Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Rik JongeriusWeitere Informationen
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Exploring the design space of an energy-efficient accelerator for the SKA1-low central signal processor
L Fiorin, E Vermij, J Van Lunteren, R Jongerius, C Hagleitner
International Journal of Parallel Programming 44, 1003-1027, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Near-Memory Acceleration for Radio Astronomy
L Fiorin, R Jongerius, E Vermij, J Van Lunteren, C Hagleitner
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (1), 115-128, 2017
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Verfügbar: 3
An architecture for near-data processing systems
E Vermij, C Hagleitner, L Fiorin, R Jongerius, J Van Lunteren, K Bertels
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 357-360, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Scaling properties of parallel applications to exascale
G Mariani, A Anghel, R Jongerius, G Dittmann
International Journal of Parallel Programming 44 (5), 975-1002, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
An architecture for integrated near-data processors
E Vermij, L Fiorin, R Jongerius, C Hagleitner, JV Lunteren, K Bertels
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 14 (3), 1-25, 2017
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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