Rebecca Wiczorek
Rebecca Wiczorek
Professorin Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, HMU Potsdam
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Measures of reliance and compliance in aided visual scanning
J Meyer, R Wiczorek, T Günzler
Human Factors 56 (5), 840-849, 2014
Supporting attention allocation in multitask environments: Effects of likelihood alarm systems on trust, behavior, and performance
R Wiczorek, D Manzey
Human factors 56 (7), 1209-1221, 2014
Decision-making and response strategies in interaction with alarms: the impact of alarm reliability, availability of alarm validity information and workload
D Manzey, N Gérard, R Wiczorek
Ergonomics 57 (12), 1833-1855, 2014
Effects of trust, self-confidence, and feedback on the use of decision automation
R Wiczorek, J Meyer
Frontiers in psychology 10, 519, 2019
Is operators' compliance with alarm systems a product of rational consideration?
R Wiczorek, D Manzey
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54 …, 2010
Peripheral visual perception during natural overground dual-task walking in older and younger adults
J Protzak, R Wiczorek, K Gramann
Neurobiology of aging 98, 146-159, 2021
Benefits of Decision-Support by Likelihood versus Binary Alarm Systems: Does the number of stages make a difference?
R Wiczorek, D Manzey, A Zirk
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Entwicklung und Evaluation eines mehrdimensionalen Fragebogens zur Messung von Vertrauen in technische Systeme
R Wiczorek
Reflexionen und Visionen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion–Aus der …, 2011
Do we really need more stages? Comparing the effects of likelihood alarm systems and binary alarm systems
A Zirk, R Wiczorek, D Manzey
Human factors 62 (4), 540-552, 2020
Developing support technologies
A Karafillidis, R Weidner
Integrating Multiple Perspectives to Create Assistance that People Really …, 2018
On the relation between reliance and compliance in an aided visual scanning task
R Wiczorek, J Meyer, T Guenzler
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 56 (1 …, 2012
Domestic robots for older adults: Design approaches and recommendations
R Wiczorek, MA Bayles, WA Rogers
Design of Assistive Technology for Ageing Populations, 203-219, 2020
Asymmetric effects of false positive and false negative indications on the verification of alerts in different risk conditions
R Wiczorek, J Meyer
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
The impact of visual and cognitive dual-task demands on traffic perception during road crossing of older and younger pedestrians
R Wiczorek, J Protzak
Frontiers in psychology 13, 775165, 2022
On the influence of walking on hazard detection for prospective user-centered design of an assistance system for older pedestrians
J Protzak, R Wiczorek
i-com 16 (2), 87-98, 2017
User-centered development of a pedestrian assistance system using end-to-end learning
HS Qureshi, T Glasmachers, R Wiczorek
2018 17th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications …, 2018
Investigating the impact of attentional declines on road-crossing strategies in older pedestrians
R Wiczorek, J Siegmann, F Breitinger
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society Europe, 155-169, 2016
Evaluating likelihood alarm systems as an alternative to binary alarm systems
R Wiczorek, D Manzey
Human centred automation, 69-83, 2011
Außerhäusliche Mobilität älterer Menschen als Voraussetzung für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben: ein technisches Assistenzsystem zur Unterstützung der Verkehrssicherheit
F Breitinger, R Wiczorek
Aljoscha Burchardt und Hans Uskoreit (Hg.): IT für soziale Inklusion …, 2018
Modality effects of secondary tasks on hazard detection performance of younger and older pedestrians in a simulated road crossing task
J Siegmann, J Protzak, R Wiczorek
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe, 21-34, 2017
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