Thomas Herbst
Thomas Herbst
Quantum Technology Laboratories GmbH
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Quantum teleportation over 143 kilometres using active feed-forward
XS Ma, T Herbst, T Scheidl, D Wang, S Kropatschek, W Naylor, ...
Nature 489 (7415), 269-273, 2012
A wavelength-tunable fiber-coupled source of narrowband entangled photons
A Fedrizzi, T Herbst, A Poppe, T Jennewein, A Zeilinger
Optics Express 15 (23), 15377-15386, 2007
Violation of local realism with freedom of choice
T Scheidl, R Ursin, J Kofler, S Ramelow, XS Ma, T Herbst, L Ratschbacher, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (46), 19708-19713, 2010
High-fidelity transmission of entanglement over a high-loss free-space channel
A Fedrizzi, R Ursin, T Herbst, M Nespoli, R Prevedel, T Scheidl, ...
Nature Physics 5 (6), 389-392, 2009
Quantum erasure with causally disconnected choice
XS Ma, J Kofler, A Qarry, N Tetik, T Scheidl, R Ursin, S Ramelow, T Herbst, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (4), 1221-1226, 2013
Feasibility of 300 km quantum key distribution with entangled states
T Scheidl, R Ursin, A Fedrizzi, S Ramelow, XS Ma, T Herbst, R Prevedel, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (8), 085002, 2009
Teleportation of entanglement over 143 km
T Herbst, T Scheidl, M Fink, J Handsteiner, B Wittmann, R Ursin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (46), 14202-14205, 2015
Anti-symmetrization reveals hidden entanglement
A Fedrizzi, T Herbst, M Aspelmeyer, M Barbieri, T Jennewein, A Zeilinger
New Journal of Physics 11 (10), 103052, 2009
Experimental quantum teleportation over a high-loss free-space channel
X Ma, S Kropatschek, W Naylor, T Scheidl, J Kofler, T Herbst, A Zeilinger, ...
Optics Express 20 (21), 23126-23137, 2012
Quantum teleportation using active feed-forward between two Canary Islands
X Ma, T Herbst, T Scheidl, D Wang, S Kropatschek, W Naylor, A Mech, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.3909, 2012
Simulating phase coding in quantum cryptography: influence of chromatic dispersion
M Suda, T Herbst, A Poppe
The European Physical Journal D 42, 139-145, 2007
Quantum teleportation over a 143 km free-space link
T Herbst, XMT Scheidl, D Wang, W Naylor, B Wittmann, J Kofler, ...
International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO'2014) Tenerife, Canary …, 2014
Detection of hidden entanglement by photon anti-bunching
A Fedrizzi, T Herbst, M Aspelmeyer, M Barbieri, T Jennewein, A Zeilinger
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0807.4437, 2008
A fiber-coupled wavelength tunable source of narrowband entangled photons
A Fedrizzi, T Herbst, T Jennewein, A Zeilinger
arXiv preprint arXiv:0706.2877, 2007
143 km free-space quantum teleportation
T Herbst, XS Ma, T Scheidl, B Wittmann, R Ursin, A Zeilinger
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XII 9225, 74-80, 2014
Long-distance multipartite quantum communication
T Herbst
Entanglement Swapping over a 143 km free-space link
T Herbst, B Wittmann, R Ursin, A Zeilinger, T Scheidl, M Fink, ...
Influence of chromatic dispersion on phase coding in quantum cryptography; Einfluss der chromatischen Dispersion auf die Phasenkodierung in der Quantenkryptographie
T Herbst, M Suda
Einfluss der chromatischen Dispersion auf die Phasenkodierung in der Quantenkryptographie
M Suda, T Herbst
56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikal. Ges., 100, 2006
Influence of chromatic dispersion on phase coding in quantum cryptography
T Herbst, M Suda
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