Zvonimir Galić
Zvonimir Galić
University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
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Misbehaving in the corona crisis: The role of anxiety and unfounded beliefs
N Erceg, M Ružojčić, Z Galić
Current Psychology 41 (8), 5621-5630, 2022
Unemployed people in search of a job: Reconsidering the role of search behavior
B Šverko, Z Galić, DM Seršić, M Galešić
Journal of Vocational Behavior 72 (3), 415-428, 2008
Relationship between financial satisfaction and financial literacy: Exploring gender differences
I Škreblin Kirbiš, M Vehovec, Z Galić
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 26 (2), 165-185, 2017
The relationship of internal communication satisfaction with employee engagement and employer attractiveness: testing the joint mediating effect of the social exchange quality …
A Tkalac Verčič, Z Galić, K Žnidar
International Journal of Business Communication 60 (4), 1313-1340, 2023
Social desirability scales as indicators of self-enhancement and impression management
M Parmač Kovačić, Z Galić, Ž Jerneić
Journal of personality assessment 96 (5), 532-543, 2014
Nezaposlenost i socijalna isključenost: longitudinalna studija
B Šverko, Z Galić, D Maslić Seršić
Revija za socijalnu politiku 13 (1), 1-14, 2006
Do applicants fake their personality questionnaire responses and how successful are their attempts? A case of military pilot cadet selection
Z Galić, Ž Jerneić, MP Kovačić
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 20 (2), 229-241, 2012
A reflection on cognitive reflection–testing convergent/divergent validity of two measures of cognitive reflection
N Erceg, Z Galić, M Ružojčić
Judgment and Decision making 15 (5), 741-755, 2020
Interaction between implicit aggression and dispositional self-control in explaining counterproductive work behaviors
Z Galić, M Ružojčić
Personality and individual differences 104, 111-117, 2017
Overconfidence bias and conjunction fallacy in predicting outcomes of football matches
N Erceg, Z Galić
Journal of economic psychology 42, 52-62, 2014
Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression: Further evidence about incremental validity
Z Galić
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 24 (1), 24-33, 2016
Normative responding on cognitive bias tasks: Some evidence for a weak rationality factor that is mostly explained by numeracy and actively open-minded thinking
N Erceg, Z Galić, A Bubić
Intelligence 90, 101619, 2022
Socijalno poželjno odgovaranje u različitim motivacijskim kontekstima: Provjera Paulhusova modela socijalne poželjnosti
Ž Galić, Z. i Jerneić
Suvremena psihologija 9 (2), 155-170, 2009
Validity evidence for a Croatian version of the conditional reasoning test for aggression
Z Galić, KT Scherer, JM LeBreton
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (4), 343-354, 2014
Financijske prilike i zdravlje nezaposlenih u Hrvatskoj: Vodi li financijska deprivacija do lošijeg zdravlja?
B Šverko, D Maslić Seršić, Z Galić
Revija za socijalnu politiku 13 (3-4), 257-269, 2006
“Dysrationalia” among university students: The role of cognitive abilities, different aspects of rational thought and self-control in explaining epistemically suspect beliefs
N Erceg, Z Galić, A Bubić
Europe's Journal of Psychology 15 (1), 159, 2019
The construct validity of over-claiming as a measure of egoistic enhancement
M Tonković, Z Galić, Ž Jerneić
Review of psychology 18 (1), 13-21, 2011
The perceived quality of working life in Croatia and the European Union
B Šverko, Z Galić
Društvena istraživanja: Časopis za opća društvena pitanja 23 (4), 557-575, 2014
Radne vrijednosti i stavovi prema poslu u Hrvatskoj: što se promijenilo u odnosu na devedesete?
D Maslić Seršić, B Šverko, Z Galić
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 14 (6 (80)), 1039-1054, 2005
Effects of prolonged unemployment and reemployment on psychological and physical health
Z Galić, B Šverko
Review of psychology 15 (1-2), 3-10, 2008
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