Svetlana Poroseva
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Zitiert von
Numerical investigation of aerosol transport in a classroom with relevance to COVID-19
M Abuhegazy, K Talaat, O Anderoglu, SV Poroseva
Physics of Fluids 32 (10), 2020
Simulation of aerosol transmission on a Boeing 737 airplane with intervention measures for COVID-19 mitigation
K Talaat, M Abuhegazy, OA Mahfoze, O Anderoglu, SV Poroseva
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
On the accuracy of RANS simulations with DNS data
SV Poroseva, JD Colmenares F, SM Murman
Physics of Fluids 28 (11), 2016
Automated graph-based methodology for fault detection and location in power systems
D Dustegor, SV Poroseva, MY Hussaini, S Woodruff
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 25 (2), 638-646, 2009
Simulating separated flows using the ke model
S Poroseva, G Iaccarino
Annual Research Briefs 2001, 375-384, 2001
DNS of low-pressure turbine cascade flows with elevated inflow turbulence using a discontinuous-Galerkin spectral-element method
A Garai, LT Diosady, SM Murman, NK Madavan
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 49712, V02CT39A025, 2016
Pressure-strain correlation in homogeneous anisotropic turbulence subject to rapid strain-dominated distortion
SS Girimaji, E Jeong, SV Poroseva
Physics of Fluids 15 (10), 3209-3222, 2003
Floridian high-voltage power-grid network partitioning and cluster optimization using simulated annealing
I Abou Hamad, PA Rikvold, SV Poroseva
Physics Procedia 15, 2-6, 2011
Structure-based turbulence model: Application to a rotating pipe flow
SV Poroseva, SC Kassinos, CA Langer, WC Reynolds
Physics of Fluids 14 (4), 1523-1532, 2002
Modeling turbulent diffusion in a rotating cylindrical pipe flow
AF Kurbatskii, SV Poroseva
International journal of heat and fluid flow 20 (3), 341-348, 1999
On ability of standard ke model to simulate aerodynamic turbulent flows
SV Poroseva, H Bézard
CFD Journal 9 (1), 464-470, 2001
Spectral matrix methods for partitioning power grids: Applications to the Italian and Floridian high-voltage networks
I Abou Hamad, B Israels, PA Rikvold, SV Poroseva
Physics Procedia 4, 125-129, 2010
Topology of the generator bus in a warship integrated power system
S Poroseva, S Woodruff, MY Hussaini
IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, 2005., 141-148, 2005
Modeling the" rapid" part of the velocity/pressure-gradient correlation in inhomogeneous turbulence
SV Poroseva
Annual Research Briefs, 367-374, 2001
Velocity/pressure-gradient correlations in a FORANS approach to turbulence modeling
S Poroseva, SM Murman
44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2207, 2014
Computational analysis of a tip vortex structure shed from a bio-inspired blade
S Gomez, L Gilkey, B Kaiser, S Poroseva
32nd AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 3253, 2014
Application of evidence theory to quantify uncertainty in hurricane/typhoon track forecasts
SV Poroseva, J Letschert, M Yousuff Hussaini
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 97 (1), 149-169, 2007
Improving the predictive capability of turbulence models using evidence theory
SV Poroseva, MY Hussaini, SL Woodruff
AIAA journal 44 (6), 1220-1228, 2006
Simulations of the shock-driven Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in inclined gas curtains
B Romero, SV Poroseva, P Vorobieff, JM Reisner
Physics of Fluids 33 (6), 2021
Computational analysis of the blade number effect on the performance of a ducted propeller
CML Echavarria, S Poroseva
AIAA atmospheric flight mechanics conference, 0016, 2015
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