Ronny Mans
Ronny Mans
PostDoctoral Researcher at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
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Process mining manifesto
W Van Der Aalst, A Adriansyah, AKA De Medeiros, F Arcieri, T Baier, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops …, 2012
Application of process mining in healthcare–a case study in a dutch hospital
RS Mans, MH Schonenberg, M Song, WMP van der Aalst, PJM Bakker
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: International Joint …, 2009
Process flexibility: A survey of contemporary approaches
H Schonenberg, R Mans, N Russell, N Mulyar, W van der Aalst
International Workshop on Cooperation and Interoperability, Architecture and …, 2008
Discovering simulation models
A Rozinat, RS Mans, M Song, WMP van der Aalst
Information systems 34 (3), 305-327, 2009
Process mining in healthcare: evaluating and exploiting operational healthcare processes
RS Mans, WMP Van der Aalst, RJB Vanwersch
Springer International Publishing, 2015
Wanna improve process mining results?
RPJC Bose, RS Mans, WMP Van Der Aalst
2013 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and data mining (CIDM …, 2013
ProM 4.0: Comprehensive Support for Real Process Analysis
WMP van der Aalst, BF van Dongen, CW Günther, RS Mans, ...
Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency–ICATPN 2007: 28th International …, 2007
Patients' preferences when comparing analogue implant impressions using a polyether impression material versus digital impressions (Intraoral Scan) of dental implants
D Wismeijer, R Mans, M van Genuchten, HA Reijers
Clinical Oral Implants Research 25 (10), 1113-1118, 2014
Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges
J Munoz-Gama, N Martin, C Fernandez-Llatas, OA Johnson, M Sepúlveda, ...
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 127, 103994, 2022
Process mining techniques: an application to stroke care
R Mans, H Schonenberg, G Leonardi, S Panzarasa, A Cavallini, ...
MIE 136, 573-578, 2008
Process mining in healthcare: Data challenges when answering frequently posed questions
RS Mans, WMP Van der Aalst, RJB Vanwersch, AJ Moleman
International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare …, 2012
Declarative process mining in healthcare
M Rovani, FM Maggi, M De Leoni, WMP Van Der Aalst
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (23), 9236-9251, 2015
Improved model management with aggregated business process models
HA Reijers, RS Mans, RA van der Toorn
Data & Knowledge Engineering 68 (2), 221-243, 2009
Towards a Taxonomy of Process Flexibility.
H Schonenberg, R Mans, N Russell, N Mulyar, WMP van der Aalst
CAiSE forum 344, 81-84, 2008
Discovering colored Petri nets from event logs
A Rozinat, RS Mans, M Song, WMP Van der Aalst
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 10, 57-74, 2008
On process mining in health care
U Kaymak, R Mans, T Van de Steeg, M Dierks
2012 IEEE international conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2012
Measuring patient flow variations: A cross-organisational process mining approach
S Suriadi, RS Mans, MT Wynn, A Partington, J Karnon
Asia Pacific Business Process Management: Second Asia Pacific Conference, AP …, 2014
Mining processes in dentistry
R Mans, H Reijers, M van Genuchten, D Wismeijer
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT international health informatics symposium …, 2012
Towards a taxonomy of process flexibility (extended version)
MH Schonenberg, RS Mans, NC Russell, NA Mulyar, WMP Van der Aalst
BPMcenter. org, 2007
Improving documentation by repairing event logs
A Rogge-Solti, RS Mans, WMP van der Aalst, M Weske
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 6th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference …, 2013
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