Dr. M. Samsuri
Dr. M. Samsuri
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
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Pemanfaatan sellulosa bagas untuk produksi ethanol melalui sakarifikasi dan fermentasi serentak dengan enzim xylanase
M Samsuri, M Gozan, R Mardias, M Baiquni, H Hermansyah, A Wijanarko, ...
Makara 11 (1), pp. 17-24, 2009
Sakarifikasi dan fermentasi bagas menjadi ethanol menggunakan enzim selulase dan enzim sellobiase
M Gozan, M Samsuri, F Siti, P Bambang, M Nasikin
Jurnal Teknologi 3 (3), 21, 2007
Properties Enhancement of High Molecular Weight Polylactide Using Stereocomplex Polylactide as a Nucleating Agent
P Purnama, M Samsuri, I Iswaldi
Polymers 13 (11), 1725, 2021
Ethanol production from bagasse with combination of cellulase-cellubiase in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using white rot fungi pre-treatment
M Samsuri, M Gozan, H Hermansyah, B Prasetya, M Nasikin, T Watanabe
Journal of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering 3, 20-32, 2008
Hydrolisys of bagas by cellulose and xylanase for bioethanol production in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
M Samsuri, M Gozan, HH Wijanarko, P Wulan, NM Dianursanti, ...
J Applied Indust Biotechnol 2 (2), 1979-9784, 2009
Pretreatments for ethanol production from bagasse by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
M Samsuri, B Prasetya, E Hermiati, T Idiyanti, K Okano, YH Syafwina, ...
Towards Ecology and Economy Harmonization of Tropical Forest Resources …, 2005
Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic bagasse for bioethanol production
M Samsuri, M Gozan, B Prasetya, M Nasikin
Journal of Biotechnology Research in Tropical Region 2 (2), 1-5, 2009
A Review on Fully Bio-Based Materials Development from Polylactide and Cellulose Nanowhiskers
P Purnama, M Samsuri, I Iswaldi
Polymers-MDPI 14 (MDPI), 4009, 2022
The Effect of Stereocomplex Polylactide Particles on the Stereocomplexation of High Molecular Weight Polylactide Blends
M Samsuri, I Iswaldi, P Purnama
Polymers 13 (12), 2018, 2021
Pengaruh perlakuan jamur pelapuk putih dan streaming pada produksi etanol dari bagas melalui proses sakarifikasi dan fermentasi serentak (SSF)
M Samsuri
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Effects of fungal treatments on ethanol production from bagasse by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
M Samsuri
Proc. The Fifth Intern. Wood Sci. Symp., Kyoto, Japan, 2004, 2004
Development of Stereocomplex Polylactide Nanocomposites as an Advanced Class of Biomaterials—A Review
M Samsuri, P Purnama
Polymers 15 (12), 2730, 2023
Utilization of Bagasse Cellulose for Ethanol Production through Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation by Xylanase
M Samsuri, M Gozan, R Mardias, M Baiquni, H Hermansyah, A Wijanarko, ...
Makara Journal of Technology 11 (1), 4, 2010
Analisa Dan Optimasi Produksi Sumur Migas Di PEP Bekasi
H Widodo, M Samsuri, S Ma’rif
Jurnal Bhara Petro Energi 1 (2), 26-36, 2022
Lignin-degrading fungi as a biotechnological tool for biomass conversion
T Watanabe, M Samsuri, R Amirta, N Rahmawati, BP Syafwina, T Tanabe, ...
Journal of applied and industrial biotechnology in tropical region 2 (2), 1-5, 2009
Analisa Efisiensi Energi pada Proses Produksi Obat X di Perusahaan YZ
M Samsuri, H Widodo, AS Choirunnisa
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI 1 (2), 17-25, 2022
Lignin Biodegradasi pada bagasse oleh jamur pelapuk putih (white rot fungi) dan potensi pemanfaatannya menjadi senyawa berbasis lignoselulosa
M Samsuri, B Prasetya, M Gozan
Perancangan Produk. Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik UI, Depok 200, 2007
Effect of Substrate Concentration (Glucose) on Ethanol Fermentation Continue with Immobilized Fixed Bed Fermenter for 2/3 Mesh Pumice Anchoring Size
FN Baharudin, FN Ramadhan, M Samsuri, R Kurniawan
E3S Web of Conferences 484, 03008, 2024
A Review on Fully Bio-Based Materials Development from Polylactide and Cellulose Nanowhiskers. Polymers 2022, 14, 4009
P Purnama, M Samsuri, I Iswaldi
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Combination of Cellulase and Celubiase for Bioethanol Production from Bagasse and Waste Paper through Simultaneous Saccharification And Fermentation (SSF)
M Gozan, M Samsuri, H Hermansyah, M Nasikin, B Prasetya
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