nabi zorlu
nabi zorlu
İzmir atatürk education and research hospital
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Social cognition in alcohol use disorder: a meta‐analysis
E Bora, N Zorlu
Addiction 112 (1), 40-48, 2017
Facial emotion recognition deficits in abstinent cannabis dependent patients
A Bayrakçı, E Sert, N Zorlu, A Erol, A Sarıçiçek, L Mete
Comprehensive psychiatry 58, 160-164, 2015
Neuroanatomical correlates of genetic risk for bipolar disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study in bipolar type I patients and healthy first degree relatives
A Sarıçiçek, N Yalın, C Hıdıroğlu, B Çavuşoğlu, C Taş, D Ceylan, N Zorlu, ...
Journal of affective disorders 186, 110-118, 2015
Abnormal white matter integrity as a structural endophenotype for bipolar disorder
A Sarıçiçek, N Zorlu, N Yalın, C Hıdıroğlu, B Çavuşoğlu, D Ceylan, E Ada, ...
Psychological medicine 46 (7), 1547-1558, 2016
Abnormal white matter integrity and decision-making deficits in alcohol dependence
N Zorlu, F Gelal, A Kuserli, E Cenik, E Durmaz, A Saricicek, S Gulseren
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 214 (3), 382-388, 2013
Denetimli serbestlik uygulaması kapsamında başvuran hastalarda sosyodemografik, klinik özelliklerin ve alkol kullanım bozukluğu sıklığının geriye dönük değerlendirilmesi.
N Zorlu, H Türk, Aİ Manavgat, B Karadaş, Ş Gülseren
Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry/Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 12 (4), 2011
Effectiveness and tolerability of mirtazapine and amitriptyline in alcoholic patients with co‐morbid depressive disorder: a randomized, double‐blind study
AE Altintoprak, N Zorlu, H Coskunol, F Akdeniz, G Kitapcioglu
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 23 (4), 313-319, 2008
Effects of cigarette smoking on cortical thickness in major depressive disorder
N Zorlu, VL Cropley, PK Zorlu, DH Delibas, ZH Adibelli, EP Baskin, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 84, 1-8, 2017
Abnormal white matter integrity in synthetic cannabinoid users
N Zorlu, MA Di Biase, ÇÇ Kalaycı, A Zalesky, B Bağcı, N Oğuz, F Gelal, ...
European Neuropsychopharmacology 26 (11), 1818-1825, 2016
Empathy, and its relationship with cognitive and emotional functions in alcohol dependency
A Erol, A Akyalcin Kirdok, N Zorlu, S Polat, L Mete
Nordic journal of psychiatry 71 (3), 205-209, 2017
Abnormal white matter integrity in long-term abstinent alcohol dependent patients
N Zorlu, TK Ucman, F Gelal, CC Kalayci, S Polat, A Saricicek, PK Zorlu, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 224 (1), 42-48, 2014
Headaches related to psychoactive substance use
YY Beckmann, M Seçkin, Aİ Manavgat, N Zorlu
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 114 (7), 990-999, 2012
Structural connectivity in adolescent synthetic cannabinoid users with and without ADHD
ZÇ Çelik, Ç Çolak, MA Di Biase, A Zalesky, N Zorlu, E Bora, Ö Kitiş, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 14, 505-514, 2020
Abnormal white matter integrity and impairment of cognitive abilities in adolescent inhalant abusers
Z Yuncu, N Zorlu, H Saatcioglu, B Basay, O Basay, PK Zorlu, O Kitis, ...
Neurotoxicology and teratology 47, 89-95, 2015
Şizofreni, atipik antipsikotikler ve obezite
D Eraslan, Ö Öztürk, B Kayahan, N Zorlu, B Veznedaroğlu
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 7 (3), 167-172, 2006
Rich club and reward network connectivity as endophenotypes for alcohol dependence: a diffusion tensor imaging study
N Zorlu, N Çapraz, E Oztekin, B Bagci, MA Di Biase, A Zalesky, F Gelal, ...
Addiction Biology 24 (2), 265-274, 2019
The relation of alcohol addiction onset and family history with impulsivity and compulsivity
BB Güngör, Ş Gülseren, A Dalmış, N Zorlu
Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 14 (3), 267-274, 2013
Impulsivity, sensation seeking, and decision-making in long-term abstinent cannabis dependent patients
DH Delibaş, HS Akseki, E Erdoğan, N Zorlu, Ş Gülseren
Archives of Neuropsychiatry 55 (4), 315, 2018
Cortical thickness and subcortical volumes in adolescent synthetic cannabinoid users with or without ADHD: a preliminary study
Ç Çolak, ZC Celik, N Zorlu, Ö Kitiı, Z Yüncü
Archives of Neuropsychiatry 56 (3), 167, 2019
Cortical thickening in remitters compared to non‐remitters with major depressive disorder following 8‐week antidepressant treatment
A Saricicek Aydogan, E Oztekin, ME Esen, S Dusmez, F Gelal, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 140 (3), 217-226, 2019
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