Edy Meiyanto
Edy Meiyanto
Professor of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Natural products for cancer-targeted therapy: citrus flavonoids as potent chemopreventive agents
E Meiyanto, A Hermawan, A Anindyajati
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 13 (2), 427-436, 2012
Revealing the potency of citrus and galangal constituents to halt SARS-CoV-2 infection
RY Utomo, E Meiyanto
Preprints, 2020
Curcumin targets multiple enzymes involved in the ROS metabolic pathway to suppress tumor cell growth
YA Larasati, N Yoneda-Kato, I Nakamae, T Yokoyama, E Meiyanto, J Kato
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2039, 2018
Curcumin and its analogues (PGV-0 and PGV-1) enhance sensitivity of resistant MCF-7 cells to doxorubicin through inhibition of HER2 and NF-kB activation
E Meiyanto, DDP Putri, RA Susidarti, R Murwanti, S Sardjiman, A Fitriasari, ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15 (1), 179-184, 2014
Ekstrak Etanolik Biji Buah Pinang (Areca catechu L.) mampu menghambat proliferasi dan memacu apoptosis sel MCF-7
E Meiyanto, RA Susidarti, S Handayani, F Rahmi
Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 19 (1), 12-19, 2008
A review: The emerging nutraceutical potential of pumpkin seeds
B Lestari, E Meiyanto
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention 9 (2), 92-101, 2018
Hesperidin as a preventive resistance agent in MCF–7 breast cancer cells line resistance to doxorubicin
R Febriansah, DPP Dyaningtyas, NA Nurulita, E Meiyanto, AE Nugroho
Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine 4 (3), 228-233, 2014
Revealing the reversal effect of galangal (Alpinia galanga L.) extract against oxidative stress in metastatic breast cancer cells and normal fibroblast cells intended as a co …
FN Ahlina, N Nugraheni, IA Salsabila, S Haryanti, M Da’i, E Meiyanto
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 21 (1), 107-117, 2020
Anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic potential of curcumin analogue, pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1), toward highly metastatic breast cancer cells in correlation with ROS generation
E Meiyanto, H Putri, YA Larasati, RY Utomo, RI Jenie, M Ikawati, B Lestari, ...
Advanced pharmaceutical bulletin 9 (3), 445, 2019
Combinational effects of hexane insoluble fraction of Ficus septica Burm. F. and doxorubicin chemotherapy on T47D breast cancer cells
AE Nugroho, A Hermawan, DDP Putri, A Novika, E Meiyanto
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 3 (4), 297-302, 2013
Curcumin analog pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) sensitizes Widr cells to 5-fluorouracil through inhibition of NF-κB activation
E Meiyanto, EP Septisetyani, YA Larasati, M Kawaichi
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 19 (1), 49, 2018
Osteoclast differentiation factor modulates cell cycle machinery and causes a delay in S phase progression in RAW264 cells
E Meiyanto, M Hoshijima, T Ogawa, N Ishida, T Takeya
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 282 (1), 278-283, 2001
Ethanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera Increased Cytotoxic Effect of Doxorubicin on HeLa Cancer Cells
A Hermawan, KA Nur, D Dewi, P Putri, E Meiyanto
Journal of Natural remedies, 108-114, 2012
Curcumin derivatives verify the essentiality of ROS upregulation in tumor suppression
I Nakamae, T Morimoto, H Shima, M Shionyu, H Fujiki, N Yoneda-Kato, ...
Molecules 24 (22), 4067, 2019
Pengaruh ekstrak metanolik daun kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) terhadap pemacuan apoptosis sel kanker payudara
RB Pebriana, BWK Wardhani, E Widayanti, NLS Wijayanti, TR Wijayanti, ...
Pharmacon 9 (1), 21-26, 2008
Tangeretin inhibits IL-12 expression and NF-κB activation in dendritic cells and attenuates colitis in mice
SH Eun, JT Woo, DH Kim
Planta Medica 234 (06), 527-533, 2017
Pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) inhibits ROS metabolic enzymes and suppresses tumor cell growth by inducing M phase (prometaphase) arrest and cell senescence
B Lestari, I Nakamae, N Yoneda-Kato, T Morimoto, S Kanaya, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14867, 2019
The cytotoxic and antimigratory activity of Brazilin-doxorubicin on MCF-7/HER2 cells
RI Jenie, S Handayani, RA Susidarti, LZ Udin, E Meiyanto
Advanced pharmaceutical bulletin 8 (3), 507, 2018
Two active compounds from Caesalpinia sappan L. in combination with cisplatin synergistically induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest on WiDr cells
S Handayani, RA Susidarti, RI Jenie, E Meiyanto
Advanced pharmaceutical bulletin 7 (3), 375, 2017
Kurkumin sebagai obat kanker
E Meiyanto
Menelusuri Mekanisme Aksinya Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 10 (94), 224-236, 1999
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