Triana Rejekiningsih
Triana Rejekiningsih
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Development of Interactive Multimedia Learning Courseware to Strengthen Students' Character.
ANSI Septiani, T Rejekiningsih
European Journal of Educational Research 9 (3), 1267-1280, 2020
Asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah pada negara hukum (suatu tinjauan dari teori, yuridis dan penerapannya di indonesia)
T Rejekiningsih
Yustisia 5 (2), 298-325, 2016
Students' digital ethics profile in the era of disruption: An overview from the internet use at risk in Surakarta City, Indonesia
D Sari, T Rejekiningsih, M Muchtarom
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
Students' Opinions on the Need for Interactive Multimedia Development for Entrepreneurship Learning.
MK Budiarto, T Rejekiningsih, S Sudiyanto
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 10 (4), 1290-1297, 2021
Pengembangan multimedia interaktif berbasis potensi lokal untuk pembelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan di SMA
T Rejekiningsih, MK Budiarto, S Sudiyanto
Kwangsan 9 (2), 498082, 2021
Study Analysis of Confidence Level on Slow Learner Students
S Wanabuliandari, SD Ardianti, G Gunarhadi, T Rejekiningsih
International Journal of Elementary Education 5 (4), 584-592, 2021
Benefits of using experiential learning based electronic modules to facilitate students concierge learning in vocational high schools
A Winandari, LA Sutimin, T Rejekiningsih
Journal of Education Technology 6 (4), 568-577, 2022
Law awareness forming strategies to reinforce the principles of social function of land rights within the moral dimension of citizenship
T Rejekiningsih
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 211, 69-74, 2015
Android-based augmented reality in science learning for junior high schools: Preliminary study
T Rejekiningsih, I Maulana, MK Budiarto, TS Qodr
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 12 (2), 630-637, 2023
Uji persyaratan analisis statistik
H Suryono, T Rejekiningsih
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan 8 (2), 2007
Using digital media in civics education learning subject to develop santri’s digital literacy at the age of technology disruption
AL Putra, M Muchtarom, T Rejekiningsih
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (5), 818-823, 2019
Triyanto,“Improving student’s social solidarity value awareness through learning community-based mentoring,”
L Mufatakhah, T Rejekiningsih
Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol 8 (5), 373-378, 2019
The concept of human literacy as civics education strategy to reinforce students’ character in the era of disruption
DI Sari, T Rejekiningsih, M Muchtarom
3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education …, 2020
Edmodo in Blended Learning to Increase Language Learners’ Understanding in Learning Grammar for Toef
S Qomariyah, T Rejekiningsih
International Journal of Educational Research Review 4 (1), 82-87, 2019
Hukum Agrarian Bagi Warganegara
T Rejekiningsih
Surakarta, 2011
Design of Virtual Reality Zoos Through Internet of Things (IoT) for Student Learning about Wild Animals.
F Sukmawati, EB Santosa, T Rejekiningsih
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 37 (2), 2023
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dalam Kurikulum 2013 Pada Mata Pelajaran PPKN Sebagai Upaya Membentuk Sikap Demokratis Peserta Didik (Studi di SMA Negeri 1 Sukoharjo)
D Yuliana, T Rejekiningsih, D Gunawati
Jurnal PPKn: Penelitian dan Pemikiran Pendidikan Pancasila dan …, 2020
Study of The History and Dynamics of The Agrarian Policy in Transforming The Indonesia’s Agrarian Reform
T Rejekiningsih, C Muryani, D Lukitasari
Yustisia Jurnal Hukum 8 (2), 309-329, 2019
Strategi Guru PPKN dalam Mengembangkan Instrumen Penilaian Kecakapan Kewarganegaraan
RNI Sari, W Winarno, T Rejekiningsih
Civics Education and Social Science Journal (Cessj) 3 (1), 61-76, 2021
Service-learning: Learning by Doing in Community to Strengthen Students’ Social Skill
H Hidayah, M Muchtarom, T Rejekiningsih
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 10, 2021
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