Lyle Burgoon
Lyle Burgoon
President and CEO, Raptor Pharm & Tox, Ltd
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The minimum information required for reporting a molecular interaction experiment (MIMIx)
S Orchard, L Salwinski, S Kerrien, L Montecchi-Palazzi, M Oesterheld, ...
Nature biotechnology 25 (8), 894-898, 2007
Comparative analysis of dioxin response elements in human, mouse and rat genomic sequences
YV Sun, DR Boverhof, LD Burgoon, MR Fielden, TR Zacharewski
Nucleic acids research 32 (15), 4512-4523, 2004
Temporal and dose-dependent hepatic gene expression patterns in mice provide new insights into TCDD-Mediated hepatotoxicity
DR Boverhof, LD Burgoon, C Tashiro, B Chittim, JR Harkema, DB Jump, ...
Toxicological Sciences 85 (2), 1048-1063, 2005
Comparative toxicogenomic analysis of the hepatotoxic effects of TCDD in Sprague Dawley rats and C57BL/6 mice
DR Boverhof, LD Burgoon, C Tashiro, B Sharratt, B Chittim, JR Harkema, ...
Toxicological Sciences 94 (2), 398-416, 2006
Hypoxia‐inducible factor‐1α regulates the expression of genes in hypoxic hepatic stellate cells important for collagen deposition and angiogenesis
BL Copple, S Bai, LD Burgoon, JOK Moon
Liver International 31 (2), 230-244, 2011
Building and applying quantitative adverse outcome pathway models for chemical hazard and risk assessment
EJ Perkins, R Ashauer, L Burgoon, R Conolly, B Landesmann, C Mackay, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38 (9), 1850-1865, 2019
A framework for the next generation of risk science
D Krewski, M Westphal, ME Andersen, GM Paoli, WA Chiu, ...
Environmental health perspectives 122 (8), 796-805, 2014
Plastids are major regulators of light signaling in Arabidopsis
ME Ruckle, LD Burgoon, LA Lawrence, CA Sinkler, RM Larkin
Plant physiology 159 (1), 366-390, 2012
Molecular target sequence similarity as a basis for species extrapolation to assess the ecological risk of chemicals with known modes of action
CA LaLone, DL Villeneuve, LD Burgoon, CL Russom, HW Helgen, ...
Aquatic toxicology 144, 141-154, 2013
Overview of chronic oral toxicity values for chemicals present in hydraulic fracturing fluids, flowback, and produced waters
EE Yost, J Stanek, RS DeWoskin, LD Burgoon
Environmental science & technology 50 (9), 4788-4797, 2016
The next generation of risk assessment multi-year study—highlights of findings, applications to risk assessment, and future directions
I Cote, ME Andersen, GT Ankley, S Barone, LS Birnbaum, K Boekelheide, ...
Environmental health perspectives 124 (11), 1671-1682, 2016
Dioxin induces an estrogen-like, estrogen receptor-dependent gene expression response in the murine uterus
DR Boverhof, JC Kwekel, DG Humes, LD Burgoon, TR Zacharewski
Molecular pharmacology 69 (5), 1599-1606, 2006
Burst and principal components analyses of MEA data for 16 chemicals describe at least three effects classes
CM Mack, BJ Lin, JD Turner, AFM Johnstone, LD Burgoon, TJ Shafer
Neurotoxicology 40, 75-85, 2014
Adverse outcome pathways for regulatory applications: examination of four case studies with different degrees of completeness and scientific confidence
EJ Perkins, P Antczak, L Burgoon, F Falciani, N Garcia-Reyero, S Gutsell, ...
Toxicological Sciences 148 (1), 14-25, 2015
Normalization of two-channel microarray experiments: a semiparametric approach
JE Eckel, C Gennings, TM Therneau, LD Burgoon, DR Boverhof, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (7), 1078-1083, 2005
Empirical bayes gene screening tool for time-course or dose–response microarray data
JE Eckel, C Gennings, VM Chinchilli, LD Burgoon, TR Zacharewski
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics 14 (3), 647-670, 2004
Comparative metabolomic and genomic analyses of TCDD-elicited metabolic disruption in mouse and rat liver
AL Forgacs, MN Kent, MK Makley, B Mets, N DelRaso, GL Jahns, ...
Toxicological Sciences 125 (1), 41-55, 2012
Comparative analysis of AhR-mediated TCDD-elicited gene expression in human liver adult stem cells
S Kim, E Dere, LD Burgoon, CC Chang, TR Zacharewski
Toxicological Sciences 112 (1), 229-244, 2009
In vivo–in vitro toxicogenomic comparison of TCDD-elicited gene expression in Hepa1c1c7 mouse hepatoma cells and C57BL/6 hepatic tissue
E Dere, DR Boverhof, LD Burgoon, TR Zacharewski
BMC genomics 7, 1-18, 2006
Progress towards an OECD reporting framework for transcriptomics and metabolomics in regulatory toxicology
JA Harrill, MR Viant, CL Yauk, M Sachana, TW Gant, SS Auerbach, ...
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 125, 105020, 2021
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