Sabine Tebbich
Sabine Tebbich
University of Vienna, Department of Behavioural Biology
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Investigating physical cognition in rooks, Corvus frugilegus
AM Seed, S Tebbich, NJ Emery, NS Clayton
Current Biology 16 (7), 697-701, 2006
Do woodpecker finches acquire tool-use by social learning?
S Tebbich, M Taborsky, B Fessl, D Blomqvist
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
The tale of the finch: adaptive radiation and behavioural flexibility
S Tebbich, K Sterelny, I Teschke
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Philornis downsi– a recently discovered parasite on the Galápagos archipelago – a threat for Darwin's finches?
B Fessl, S Tebbich
Ibis 144 (3), 445-451, 2002
The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis
M Cauchoix, PKY Chow, JO Van Horik, CM Atance, EJ Barbeau, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Cognitive abilities related to tool use in the woodpecker finch, Cactospiza pallida
S Tebbich, R Bshary
Animal behaviour 67 (4), 689-697, 2004
Non-tool-using rooks, Corvus frugilegus, solve the trap-tube problem
S Tebbich, AM Seed, NJ Emery, NS Clayton
Animal cognition 10, 225-231, 2007
The ecology of tool‐use in the woodpecker finch (Cactospiza pallida)
S Tebbich, M Taborsky, B Fessl, M Dvorak
Ecology Letters 5 (5), 656-664, 2002
An experimental study on the effects of an introduced parasite in Darwin’s finches
B Fessl, S Kleindorfer, S Tebbich
Biological Conservation 127 (1), 55-61, 2006
Social manipulation causes cooperation in keas
S Tebbich, M Taborsky, H Winkler
Animal Behaviour 52 (1), 1-10, 1996
How to save the rarest Darwin's finch from extinction: the mangrove finch on Isabela Island
B Fessl, GH Young, RP Young, J Rodríguez-Matamoros, M Dvorak, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Philornis downsi Dodge & Aitken, new to the Galapagos Islands (Diptera, Muscidae)
B Fessl, MS Couri, S Tebbich
Studia dipterologica 8 (1), 317-322, 2001
Cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus recognise familiar clients
S Tebbich, R Bshary, A Grutter
Animal Cognition 5, 139-145, 2002
From mechanisms to function: an integrated framework of animal innovation
S Tebbich, AS Griffin, MF Peschl, K Sterelny
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Distribution and abundance of Darwin’s finches and other land birds on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos: evidence for declining populations
M Dvorak, B Fessl, E Nemeth, S Kleindorfer, S Tebbich
Oryx 46 (1), 78-86, 2012
Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities?
I Teschke, CAF Wascher, MF Scriba, AMP von Bayern, V Huml, B Siemers, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Invasive parasites, habitat change and heavy rainfall reduce breeding success in Darwin's finches
A Cimadom, A Ulloa, P Meidl, M Zöttl, E Zöttl, B Fessl, E Nemeth, ...
PLoS One 9 (9), e107518, 2014
Coping with Uncertainty: Woodpecker Finches (Cactospiza pallida) from an Unpredictable Habitat Are More Flexible than Birds from a Stable Habitat
S Tebbich, I Teschke
PloS one 9 (3), e91718, 2014
Sometimes tool use is not the key: no evidence for cognitive adaptive specializations in tool-using woodpecker finches
I Teschke, EA Cartmill, S Stankewitz, S Tebbich
Animal Behaviour 82 (5), 945-956, 2011
Feeding behavior of four arboreal Darwin's finches: adaptations to spatial and seasonal variability
S Tebbich, M Taborsky, B Fessl, M Dvorak, H Winkler
The Condor 106 (1), 95-105, 2004
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