Mohammadali Zolfagharian
Mohammadali Zolfagharian
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Market orientation, positioning strategy and brand performance
P Iyer, A Davari, M Zolfagharian, A Paswan
Industrial Marketing Management 81, 16-29, 2019
Does parasocial interaction with weight loss vloggers affect compliance? The role of vlogger characteristics, consumer readiness, and health consciousness
MDN Sakib, M Zolfagharian, A Yazdanparast
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 52, 101733, 2020
Toward a contextually anchored service innovation typology
A Paswan, D D'Souza, MA Zolfagharian
Decision Sciences 40 (3), 513-540, 2009
Customer–customer value co-creation in social media: conceptualization and antecedents
AH Zadeh, M Zolfagharian, CF Hofacker
Journal of Strategic Marketing 27 (4), 283-302, 2019
Student participation in academic advising: Propensity, behavior, attribution and satisfaction
J Braun, M Zolfagharian
Research in Higher Education 57 (8), 968-989, 2016
Dimensions and outcomes of B2B relational exchange: A meta‐analysis
RK Rajamma, MA Zolfagharian, LE Pelton
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 26 (2), 104-114, 2011
Do consumers discern innovations in service elements?
M Zolfagharian, A Paswan
Journal of Services Marketing 22 (5), 338-352, 2008
Ethnocentrism and country of origin effects among immigrant consumers
M Zolfagharian, R Saldivar, Q Sun
Journal of Consumer Marketing 31 (1), 68-84, 2014
Determinants of medical tourism destination selection process
M Zolfagharian, RK Rajamma, I Naderi, S Torkzadeh
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 27 (7), 775-794, 2018
Country of origin, ethnocentrism and bicultural consumers: the case of Mexican Americans
MA Zolfagharian, Q Sun
Journal of Consumer Marketing 27 (4), 345-357, 2010
Consumer participation in online product recommendation services: augmenting the technology acceptance model
X Sheng, M Zolfagharian
Journal of Services Marketing 28 (6), 460-470, 2014
Perceived service innovativeness, consumer trait innovativeness and patronage intention
MA Zolfagharian, A Paswan
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 16 (2), 155-162, 2009
The dark side of consumer life in the age of virtual and mobile technology
M Zolfagharian, A Yazdanparast
Journal of Marketing Management 33 (15-16), 1304-1335, 2017
Cross‐border shopping: Mexican shoppers in the US and American shoppers in Mexico
A Baruca, M Zolfagharian
International Journal of consumer studies 37 (4), 360-366, 2013
Motives for purchasing artwork, collectibles and antiques
MA Zolfagharian, A Cortes
Journal of Business & Economics Research 9 (4), 27-42, 2011
Customer value co-creation behaviors and service outcomes: insights from a transformative service
S Torkzadeh, M Zolfagharian, P Iyer
Journal of Strategic Marketing 29 (8), 635-657, 2021
From customer readiness to customer retention: the mediating role of customer psychological and behavioral engagement
S Torkzadeh, M Zolfagharian, A Yazdanparast, DD Gremler
European Journal of Marketing 56 (7), 1799-1829, 2022
Customer response to service encounter linguistics
M Zolfagharian, F Hasan, P Iyer
Journal of Services Marketing 32 (5), 530-546, 2018
Employee, branch, and brand switching: the role of linguistic choice, use and adaptation
M Zolfagharian, F Hasan, P Iyer
Journal of Services Marketing 31 (4/5), 452-470, 2017
Predicting value cocreation behavior in social media via integrating uses and gratifications paradigm and theory of planned behavior
AH Zadeh, M Farhang, M Zolfagharian, CF Hofacker
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 17 (2), 195-214, 2023
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