Iragael Joly
Iragael Joly
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, INRA, Grenoble INP, GAEL, 38000 Grenoble, France
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Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food agricultural products: a real choice experiment
C Michaud, D Llerena, I Joly
European Review of Agricultural Economics 40 (2), 313-329, 2013
How does environmental concern influence mode choice habits? A mediation analysis
H Bouscasse, I Joly, P Bonnel
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 59, 205-222, 2018
Digital technologies in circular economy transition: evidence from case studies
E Uçar, MA Le Dain, I Joly
Procedia cirp 90, 133-136, 2020
Budgets temps de transport: les sociétés tertiaires confrontées à la gestion paradoxale du" bien le plus rare"
Y Crozet, I Joly
Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport-Scientific Papers in Transportation 45, 2004
La “Loi de Zahavi”: quelle pertinence pour comprendre la construction et la dilatation des espaces-temps de la ville?
Y Crozet, I Joly
HAL Post-Print, 2006
Travel and activity time allocation: An empirical comparison between eight cities in Europe
C Raux, TY Ma, I Joly, V Kaufmann, E Cornelis, N Ovtracht
Transport Policy 18 (2), 401-412, 2011
Consumers' willingness to pay for sustainable and innovative products: a choice experiment with upgradeable products
C Michaud, I Joly, D Llerena, V Lobasenko
International Journal of Sustainable Development 20 (1-2), 8-32, 2017
Stability or regularity of the daily travel time in Lyon? Application of a duration model
I Joly
International journal of transport economics: Rivista internazionale di …, 2006
L'allocation du temps au transport—De l'observation internationale des budgets-temps de transport aux modèles de durées
I Joly
Université Lumière-Lyon II, 2005
Travel time budget–decomposition of the worldwide mean
I Joly
IATUR, ISTAT. Italian National Statistical Institute. Time Use: What's New …, 2004
Exploring the links between reputation and fame: Evidence from French contemporary architecture
A Boutinot, I Joly, V Mangematin, S Ansari
Organization Studies 38 (10), 1397-1420, 2017
A new family of qualitative choice models: An application of reference models to travel mode choice
H Bouscasse, I Joly, J Peyhardi
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 121, 74-91, 2019
Raisons et pratiques de la pendularité intensive: le temps de trajet, entre le temps subi et le temps choisi
SV Geslin, I Joly
Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport-Scientific Papers in Transportation 61, 2012
The link between Travel Time Budget and Speed: a key relationship for urban space-time dynamics
I Joly
AET. European Transport Conference 2004–ETC 2004, 4-6 october 2004 …, 2004
Intensive travel time: an obligation or a choice?
I Joly, S Vincent-Geslin
European Transport Research Review 8, 1-14, 2016
Multistate nonhomogeneous semi-markov model of daily activity type, timing, and duration sequence
TY Ma, C Raux, E Cornelis, I Joly
Transportation research record 2134 (1), 123-134, 2009
La croissance des budgets-temps de transport en question: nouvelles approches
I Joly, K Littlejohn, V Kaufmann
Décomposition de l'hypothèse de constance des budgets-temps de transport
I Joly
Mobilités et temporalités, pp. 129-150, 2005
De l'hypothèse de la constance du budget-temps de transport à sa remise en cause: une double interpellation des politiques de transport urbain. La''Loi de Zahavi'': quelle …
Y Crozet, I Joly
LET, 2003
L'hypothèse de Zahavi revisitée. Quelle pertinence?
I Joly
ASRDLF. Concentration et ségrégation: dynamiques et inscriptions …, 2003
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