Evgenii Karchevskii
Evgenii Karchevskii
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
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Numerical linear algebra: Theory and applications
L Beilina, E Karchevskii, M Karchevskii
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Mathematical analysis of the generalized natural modes of an inhomogeneous optical fiber
EM Kartchevski, AI Nosich, GW Hanson
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 65 (6), 2033-2048, 2005
Investigation of a spectral problem for the Helmholtz operator on the plane
EM Karchevskii, SI Solov’ev
Differential Equations 36, 631-634, 2000
Secondary syringe exchange as a model for HIV prevention programs in the Russian Federation
K Irwin, E Karchevsky, R Heimer, L Badrieva
Substance Use & Misuse 41 (6-7), 979-99, 2006
Symmetry accounting in the integral-equation analysis of lasing eigenvalue problems for two-dimensional optical microcavities
AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskii, AI Nosich
JOSA B 34 (7), 1435-1443, 2017
Lasing modes of a microdisk with a ring gain area and of an active microring
AS Zolotukhina, AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskii, AI Nosich
Optical and Quantum Electronics 47, 3883-3891, 2015
The fundamental wave problem for cylindrical dielectric waveguides
EM Karchevskii
Differential Equations 36, 1109-1111, 2000
Why elliptic microcavity lasers emit light on bow-tie-like modes instead of whispering-gallery-like modes
AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskii, TM Benson, AI Nosich
Optics Communications 439, 112-117, 2019
Electromagnetic analysis of optimal pumping of a microdisk laser with a ring electrode
AS Zolotukhina, AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskii, AI Nosich
Applied Physics B 123, 1-6, 2017
Access 2010 в примерах: учебно-методическое пособие
ЕМ Карчевский, ИЕ Филиппов
Projection methods for computation of spectral characteristics of weakly guiding optical waveguides
AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskiy
Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2013, 131-135, 2013
Integral Equations Method and Exact Nonlocal Boundary Conditions in the Theory of Dielectric Waveguides
RZ Dautov, EM Karchevskii
Kazan State University, Kazan, 2009
Analysis of the eigenmode spectra of dielectric waveguides
EM Karchevskii
Computational mathematics and mathematical physics 39 (9), 1493-1498, 1999
Mathematical and numerical analysis of the generalized complex-frequency eigenvalue problem for two-dimensional optical microcavities
AO Spiridonov, A Oktyabrskaya, EM Karchevskii, AI Nosich
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80 (4), 1977-1998, 2020
Excel 2010 в примерах
ЕМ Карчевский, ИА Филиппова, ИЕ Филиппов
Rigorous formulation of the lasing eigenvalue problem as a spectral problem for a Fredholm operator function
AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskii, AI Nosich
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 39, 1148-1157, 2018
Methods of analytical regularization in the spectral theory of open waveguides
E Karchevskii, A Nosich
2014 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic …, 2014
Mathematical and numerical modeling of on-threshold modes of 2-D microcavity lasers with piercing holes
AO Spiridonov, EM Karchevskii, AI Nosich
Axioms 8 (3), 101, 2019
Integral equation methods in optical waveguide theory
A Frolov, E Kartchevskiy
Inverse Problems and Large-Scale Computations, 119-133, 2013
Лекции по линейной алгебре и аналитической геометрии: учебное пособие
ЕМ Карчевский, ММ Карчевский
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