Niaz Mahmud Zafri
Niaz Mahmud Zafri
PhD Student, DUSP, MIT; Assistant Professor, DURP, BUET
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Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on active travel mode choice in Bangladesh: a study from the perspective of sustainability and new normal situation
NM Zafri, A Khan, S Jamal, BM Alam
Sustainability 13 (12), 6975, 2021
Identification of risk factors contributing to COVID-19 incidence rates in Bangladesh: A GIS-based spatial modeling approach
MH Rahman, NM Zafri, FR Ashik, M Waliullah, A Khan
Heliyon 7 (2), 2021
Risk perceptions of COVID-19 transmission in different travel modes
NM Zafri, A Khan, S Jamal, BM Alam
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 13, 100548, 2022
Exploring the factors influencing pedestrian-vehicle crash severity in Dhaka, Bangladesh
NM Zafri, AA Prithul, I Baral, M Rahman
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 27 (3), 300-307, 2020
Factors influencing pedestrians’ decision to cross the road by risky rolling gap crossing strategy at intersections in Dhaka, Bangladesh
NM Zafri, R Sultana, MRH Himal, T Tabassum
Accident Analysis & Prevention 142, 105564, 2020
A content analysis of newspaper coverage of COVID-19 pandemic for developing a pandemic management framework
NM Zafri, S Afroj, IM Nafi, MMU Hasan
Heliyon 7 (3), 2021
Analysis of pedestrian crossing speed and waiting time at intersections in Dhaka
NM Zafri, AI Rony, N Adri
Infrastructures 4 (3), 39, 2019
Analyzing the impact of the built environment on commuting-related carbon dioxide emissions
FR Ashik, MH Rahman, A Antipova, NM Zafri
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 17 (3), 258-272, 2023
Effect of pedestrian characteristics and their road crossing behaviors on driver yielding behavior at controlled intersections
NM Zafri, T Tabassum, MRH Himal, R Sultana, AK Debnath
Journal of safety research 81, 1-8, 2022
Identification of factors influencing severity of motorcycle crashes in Dhaka, Bangladesh using binary logistic regression model
MH Rahman, NM Zafri, T Akter, S Pervaz
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 28 (2), 141-152, 2021
A spatial regression modeling framework for examining relationships between the built environment and pedestrian crash occurrences at macroscopic level: A study in a developing …
NM Zafri, A Khan
Geography and sustainability 3 (4), 312-324, 2022
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Motorcycle Purchase in Dhaka, Bangladesh
NM Zafri, A Khan, S Jamal, BM Alam
Front. Future Transp. 2, 646664, 2021
Comparative risk assessment of pedestrian groups and their road-crossing behaviours at intersections in Dhaka, Bangladesh
NM Zafri, AI Rony, MH Rahman, N Adri
International journal of crashworthiness 27 (2), 581-590, 2022
A multi-criteria decision-making approach for quantification of accessibility to market facilities in rural areas: an application in Bangladesh
NM Zafri, I Sameen, A Jahangir, N Tabassum, MMU Hasan
GeoJournal 86 (4), 1863-1879, 2021
Effectiveness of containment strategies and local cognition to control vehicular traffic volume in Dhaka, Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic: Use of Google Map based real-time …
NM Zafri, S Afroj, MA Ali, MMU Hasan, MH Rahman
PLoS one 16 (5), e0252228, 2021
Spatial accessibility to healthcare facilities in coastal region of Bangladesh
NM Zafri, M Nurullah, MN Neema, M Waliullah
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2021
Study on pedestrian compliance behavior at vehicular traffic signals and traffic-police-controlled intersections
NM Zafri, AI Rony, N Adri
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 18, 400-411, 2020
Investigating pedestrian crash patterns at high-speed intersection and road segments: Findings from the unsupervised learning algorithm
A Hossain, X Sun, NM Zafri, J Codjoe
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 14, 186-201, 2024
Built environment influences commute mode choice in a global south megacity context: Insights from explainable machine learning approach
FR Ashik, AIZ Sreezon, MH Rahman, NM Zafri, SM Labib
Journal of Transport Geography 116, 103828, 2024
Impact of COVID-19 on public transport usage in an anticipated ‘new normal’situation: The case of a South Asian country based on first wave data
NM Zafri, A Khan, S Jamal, BM Alam
Asian Transport Studies 9, 100099, 2023
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