Otto Von Estorff
Otto Von Estorff
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Boundary elements in acoustics: advances and applications
O Estorff
(No Title), 2000
Reduction of train-induced building vibrations by using open and filled trenches
M Adam, O Von Estorff
Computers & Structures 83 (1), 11-24, 2005
A finite element approach for the simulation of tire rolling noise
M Brinkmeier, U Nackenhorst, S Petersen, O Von Estorff
Journal of sound and vibration 309 (1-2), 20-39, 2008
Coupled BEM/FEM approach for nonlinear soil/structure interaction
O Von Estorff, M Firuziaan
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 24 (10), 715-725, 2000
A membrane-type acoustic metamaterial with adjustable acoustic properties
F Langfeldt, J Riecken, W Gleine, O von Estorff
Journal of Sound and Vibration 373, 1-18, 2016
Coupling of boundary and finite elements for soil‐structure interaction problems
O von Estorff, E Kausel
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 18 (7), 1065-1075, 1989
Dynamic response in the time domain by coupled boundary and finite elements
O Von Estorff, MJ Prabucki
Computational mechanics 6 (1), 35-46, 1990
Dispersion analysis of the meshfree radial point interpolation method for the Helmholtz equation
C Wenterodt, O von Estorff
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 77 (12), 1670-1689, 2009
Iterative coupling of BEM and FEM for nonlinear dynamic analyses
DS Jr, O Estorff, WJ Mansur
Computational Mechanics 34 (1), 67-73, 2004
Fluid-structure interaction by coupling BEM and nonlinear FEM
O Czygan, O Von Estorff
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 26 (9), 773-779, 2002
Analysis of absorption effects on the dynamic response of dam reservoir systems by boundary element methods
H Antes, O Von Estorff
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 15 (8), 1023-1036, 1987
Improved conditioning of infinite elements for exterior acoustics
D Dreyer, O von Estorff
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 58 (6), 933-953, 2003
Analytical model for low-frequency transmission loss calculation of membranes loaded with arbitrarily shaped masses
F Langfeldt, W Gleine, O von Estorff
Journal of Sound and Vibration 349, 315-329, 2015
Assessment of finite and spectral element shape functions for efficient iterative simulations of interior acoustics
S Petersen, D Dreyer, O von Estorff
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (44-47), 6463-6478, 2006
Perforated membrane-type acoustic metamaterials
F Langfeldt, H Kemsies, W Gleine, O von Estorff
Physics Letters A 381 (16), 1457-1462, 2017
COMPILE—A generic benchmark case for predictions of marine pile-driving noise
S Lippert, M Nijhof, T Lippert, D Wilkes, A Gavrilov, K Heitmann, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 41 (4), 1061-1071, 2016
Efficient non‐linear solid–fluid interaction analysis by an iterative BEM/FEM coupling
D Soares Jr, O Von Estorff, WJ Mansur
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 64 (11), 1416-1431, 2005
Iterative coupling of FEM and BEM in 3D transient elastodynamics
O Von Estorff, C Hagen
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 29 (8), 775-787, 2005
Evaluation of hypersingular and nearly singular integrals in the isogeometric boundary element method for acoustics
S Keuchel, NC Hagelstein, O Zaleski, O von Estorff
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 325, 488-504, 2017
The significance of parameter uncertainties for the prediction of offshore pile driving noise
T Lippert, O von Estorff
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (5), 2463-2471, 2014
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