Jack Norbeck
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2018 One‐Year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States from Induced and Natural Earthquakes
MD Peterson, CS Mueller, MP Moschetti, SM Hoover, KS Rukstales, ...
Seismological Research Letters 89 (3), 2018
The Effects of Varying Injection Rates in Osage County, Oklahoma, on the 2016  5.8 Pawnee Earthquake
AJ Barbour, JH Norbeck, JL Rubinstein
Seismological Research Letters 88 (4), 1040-1053, 2017
Field observations at the Fenton Hill enhanced geothermal system test site support mixed-mechanism stimulation
JH Norbeck, MW McClure, RN Horne
Geothermics 74, 135-149, 2018
An embedded fracture modeling framework for simulation of hydraulic fracturing and shear stimulation
JH Norbeck, MW McClure, JW Lo, RN Horne
Computational Geosciences 20 (1), 1-18, 2016
Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model Forecasts Onset, Peak, and Falling Rates of Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma and Kansas
JH Norbeck, JL Rubinstein
Geophysical Research Letters 45, 2018
Maximum magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes: A criterion to assess the influence of pressure migration along faults
JH Norbeck, RN Horne
Tectonophysics, 2018
Evidence for a transient hydromechanical and frictional faulting response during the 2011 Mw 5.6 Prague, Oklahoma earthquake sequence
JH Norbeck, RN Horne
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (12), 8688-8705, 2016
Benchmark Problems of the Geothermal Technologies Office Code Comparison Study
MD White, MW McClure, P Fu, Q Cheng, D Elsworth, Q Gan, Y Hao, KJ Im, ..., 2016
The value of in-reservoir energy storage for flexible dispatch of geothermal power
W Ricks, J Norbeck, J Jenkins
Applied Energy 313, 118807, 2022
Commercial-scale demonstration of a first-of-a-kind enhanced geothermal system
JH Norbeck, T Latimer
EarthArXiv, 2023
An integrated discrete fracture model for description of dynamic behavior in fractured reservoirs
J Norbeck, H Huang, R Podgorney, R Horne
Proceedings of the 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, 2014
The role of flexible geothermal power in decarbonized electricity systems
W Ricks, K Voller, G Galban, JH Norbeck, JD Jenkins
Nature Energy, 1-13, 2024
Injection-Triggered Seismicity: An Investigation of Porothermoelastic Effects Using a Rate-and-State Earthquake Model
J Norbeck, R Horne
Fourtieth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2015
A review of Drilling, completion, and stimulation of a horizontal well geothermal system in north-central Nevada
J Norbeck, C Latimer, Timothy, Gradl
48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 1-25, 2023
Physical Mechanisms Related to Microseismic-Depletion-Delineation Field Tests With Application to Reservoir Surveillance
JH Norbeck, RN Horne
SPE Journal 21 (04), 1,279 - 1,288, 2016
Geology, state of stress, and heat in place for a horizontal well geothermal development project at Blue Mountain, Nevada
S Fercho, J Norbeck, E McConville, N Hinz, I Wallis, A Titov, S Agarwal, ...
Proceedings, 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford …, 2023
Hydromechanical and Frictional Faulting Behavior of Fluid-Injection-Induced Earthquakes
JH Norbeck
Stanford University, 2016
Natural fracture identification and characterization while drilling underbalanced
J Norbeck, E Fonseca, DV Griffiths, SW Wong
SPE Unconventional Resources Conference/Gas Technology Symposium, SPE-154864-MS, 2012
Revisiting stimulation mechanism at Fenton Hill and an investigation of the influence of fault heterogeneity on the Gutenberg-Richter b-value for rate-and-state earthquake …
JH Norbeck, MW McClure, RN Horne
41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2016
Forecasting induced earthquake hazard using a hydromechanical earthquake nucleation model
JL Rubinstein, AJ Barbour, JH Norbeck
Seismological Research Letters 92 (4), 2206-2220, 2021
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