Jesse Graham
Jesse Graham
Professor of Management, Eccles School of Business, University of Utah
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
Liberals and conservatives rely on different sets of moral foundations.
J Graham, J Haidt, BA Nosek
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (5), 1029, 2009
Mapping the moral domain.
J Graham, BA Nosek, J Haidt, R Iyer, S Koleva, PH Ditto
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (2), 366, 2011
When morality opposes justice: Conservatives have moral intuitions that liberals may not recognize
J Haidt, J Graham
Social justice research 20 (1), 98-116, 2007
Moral foundations theory: The pragmatic validity of moral pluralism
J Graham, J Haidt, S Koleva, M Motyl, R Iyer, SP Wojcik, PH Ditto
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2013
Beyond beliefs: Religions bind individuals into moral communities
J Graham, J Haidt
Personality and social psychology review 14 (1), 140-150, 2010
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Understanding libertarian morality: The psychological dispositions of self-identified libertarians
R Iyer, S Koleva, J Graham, P Ditto, J Haidt
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42366, 2012
Tracing the threads: How five moral concerns (especially Purity) help explain culture war attitudes
SP Koleva, J Graham, R Iyer, PH Ditto, J Haidt
Journal of research in personality 46 (2), 184-194, 2012
An open, large-scale, collaborative effort to estimate the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Perspectives on Psychological Science 7, 657-660, 2012
Above and below left–right: Ideological narratives and moral foundations
J Haidt, J Graham, C Joseph
Psychological Inquiry 20 (2-3), 110-119, 2009
Planet of the Durkheimians, where community, authority, and sacredness are foundations of morality
J Haidt, J Graham
Social and psychological bases of ideology and system justification, 371-401, 2009
Concepts of happiness across time and cultures
S Oishi, J Graham, S Kesebir, IC Galinha
Personality and social psychology bulletin 39 (5), 559-577, 2013
The moral stereotypes of liberals and conservatives: Exaggeration of differences across the political spectrum
J Graham, BA Nosek, J Haidt
PloS one 7 (12), e50092, 2012
Social ecology: Lost and found in psychological science
S Oishi, J Graham
Perspectives on Psychological Science 5 (4), 356-377, 2010
Sacred values and evil adversaries: A moral foundations approach.
J Graham, J Haidt
American Psychological Association, 2012
Association of moral values with vaccine hesitancy
AB Amin, RA Bednarczyk, CE Ray, KJ Melchiori, J Graham, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (12), 873-880, 2017
Awe, uncertainty, and agency detection
P Valdesolo, J Graham
Psychological science 25 (1), 170-178, 2014
Are all types of morality compromised in psychopathy?
AL Glenn, R Iyer, J Graham, S Koleva, J Haidt
Journal of personality disorders 23 (4), 384-398, 2009
Dehumanization increases instrumental violence, but not moral violence
TS Rai, P Valdesolo, J Graham
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (32), 8511-8516, 2017
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