Hannes Rusch
Hannes Rusch
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law & Maastricht University
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The psychology of intergroup conflict: a review of theories and measures
R Böhm, H Rusch, J Baron
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 178, 947-962, 2020
The evolutionary interplay of intergroup conflict and altruism in humans: a review of parochial altruism theory and prospects for its extension
H Rusch
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1794), 20141539, 2014
What makes people go to war? Defensive intentions motivate retaliatory and preemptive intergroup aggression
R Böhm, H Rusch, Ö Gürerk
Evolution and Human Behavior 37 (1), 29-34, 2016
The logic of animal intergroup conflict: A review
H Rusch, S Gavrilets
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 178, 1014-1030, 2020
Historical and experimental evidence of sexual selection for war heroism
H Rusch, JM Leunissen, M van Vugt
Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (5), 367-373, 2015
Asymmetries in altruistic behavior during violent intergroup conflict.
H Rusch
Evolutionary Psychology 11 (5), 973-993, 2013
Spoils division rules shape aggression between natural groups
G Doğan, L Glowacki, H Rusch
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (5), 322-326, 2018
Costs, needs, and integration efforts shape helping behavior toward refugees
R Böhm, MMP Theelen, H Rusch, PAM van Lange
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018
The Two Sides of Warfare: An Extended Model of Altruistic Behavior in Ancestral Human Intergroup Conflict
H Rusch
Human Nature 25 (3), 359-377, 2014
Experimental Ethics: Toward an Empirical Moral Philosophy
C Luetge, H Rusch, M Uhl
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
Playing the trump card: Why we select overconfident leaders and why it matters
R Ronay, JK Oostrom, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, S Mayoral, H Rusch
The Leadership Quarterly 30 (6), 101316, 2019
Using Artificial Neural Networks for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems
UJ Frey, H Rusch
Ecology and Society 18 (2), A40, 2013
Evolutionary Aesthetics: An introduction to key concepts and current issues
H Rusch, E Voland
Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico 6 (2), 113-133, 2013
Heroic behavior: A review of the literature on high-stakes altruism in the wild
H Rusch
Current opinion in psychology 43, 238-243, 2022
An evolutionary perspective on the long-term efficiency of costly punishment
UJ Frey, H Rusch
Biology & Philosophy 27 (6), 811-831, 2012
Spillovers from Coordination to Cooperation–Evidence for the Interdependence Hypothesis?
H Rusch, C Luetge
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 10 (4), 284-296, 2016
The Evolution of Collaboration in Symmetric 2×2-Games with Imperfect Recognition of Types
H Rusch
Games and Economic Behavior 114, 118-127, 2019
Modeling ecological success of common pool resource systems using large datasets
UJ Frey, H Rusch
World Development 59, 93-103, 2014
Ancestral kinship patterns substantially reduce the negative effect of increasing group size on incentives for public goods provision
H Rusch
Journal of Economic Psychology 64, 105-115, 2018
Parochial Altruism: Pitfalls and Prospects
H Rusch, R Böhm, B Herrmann
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 2016
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