Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Vadim V. LozovoyWeitere Informationen
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Non-Linear Imaging with Ultrashort Shaped Pulses
D Pestov, Y Andegeko, VV Lovozoy, M Dantus
Frontiers in Optics, FMG1, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Verfügbar: 11
Polyatomic molecules under intense femtosecond laser irradiation
A Konar, Y Shu, VV Lozovoy, JE Jackson, BG Levine, M Dantus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (49), 11433-11450, 2014
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Femtosecond nanoplasmonic dephasing of individual silver nanoparticles and small clusters
R Mittal, R Glenn, I Saytashev, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (9), 1638-1644, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Pulse duration and energy dependence of photodamage and lethality induced by femtosecond near infrared laser pulses in D. melanogaster
I Saytashev, SN Arkhipov, N Winkler, K Zuraski, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 115, 42-50, 2012
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Photobleaching and photoenhancement of endogenous fluorescence observed in two-photon microscopy with broadband laser sources
D Pestov, Y Andegeko, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
Journal of Optics 12 (8), 084006, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Controlling S2 Population in Cyanine Dyes Using Shaped Femtosecond Pulses
M Nairat, A Konar, VV Lozovoy, WF Beck, GJ Blanchard, M Dantus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (11), 1876-1885, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Stimulated emission enhancement using shaped pulses
A Konar, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (12), 2002-2008, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Time-resolved signatures across the intramolecular response in substituted cyanine dyes
M Nairat, M Webb, MP Esch, VV Lozovoy, BG Levine, M Dantus
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (21), 14085-14095, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Order of magnitude dissociative ionization enhancement observed for pulses with high order dispersion
M Nairat, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (43), 8529-8536, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Femtosecond real-time probing of reactions MMXVII: The predissociation of sodium iodide in the A 0+ state
G Rasskazov, M Nairat, I Magoulas, VV Lozovoy, P Piecuch, M Dantus
Chemical Physics Letters 683, 121-127, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Electronic dephasing of molecules in solution measured by nonlinear spectral inteferometry
A Konar, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
Sci. Lett 4, 141, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Binary-phase compression of stretched pulses
VV Lozovoy, M Nairat, M Dantus
Journal of Optics 19 (10), 105506, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Energy
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