Axel Mecklinger
Axel Mecklinger
Professor of Neuropsychology, Saarland University
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Temporal structure of syntactic parsing: early and late event-related brain potential effects.
AD Friederici, A Hahne, A Mecklinger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 22 (5), 1219, 1996
Differential contribution of frontal and temporal cortices to auditory change detection: fMRI and ERP results
B Opitz, T Rinne, A Mecklinger, DY Von Cramon, E Schröger
Neuroimage 15 (1), 167-174, 2002
Processing relative clauses varying on syntactic and semantic dimensions: An analysis with event-related potentials
A Mecklinger, H Schriefers, K Steinhauer, AD Friederici
Memory & Cognition 23 (4), 477-494, 1995
Prefrontal cortex involvement in preattentive auditory deviance detection:: neuroimaging and electrophysiological evidence
CF Doeller, B Opitz, A Mecklinger, C Krick, W Reith, E Schröger
Neuroimage 20 (2), 1270-1282, 2003
Interfacing mind and brain: A neurocognitive model of recognition memory
A Mecklinger
Psychophysiology 37 (5), 565-582, 2000
Better or worse than expected? Aging, learning, and the ERN
B Eppinger, J Kray, B Mock, A Mecklinger
Neuropsychologia 46 (2), 521-539, 2008
Gamma responses and ERPs in a visual classification task
CS Herrmann, A Mecklinger, E Pfeifer
Clinical neurophysiology 110 (4), 636-642, 1999
Combining electrophysiological and hemodynamic measures of the auditory oddball
B Opitz, A Mecklinger, DY von Cramon, F Kruggel
Psychophysiology 36 (1), 142-147, 1999
Event-related potentials reveal topographical and temporal distinct neuronal activation patterns for spatial and object working memory
A Mecklinger, E Pfeifer
Cognitive Brain Research 4 (3), 211-224, 1996
Event related potentials and EEG components in a semantic memory search task
A Mecklinger, AF Kramer, DL Strayer
Psychophysiology 29 (1), 104-119, 1992
Recognition memory for emotional and neutral faces: An event-related potential study
M Johansson, A Mecklinger, AC Treese
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (10), 1840-1853, 2004
The functional neuroanatomy of novelty processing: integrating ERP and fMRI results
B Opitz, A Mecklinger, AD Friederici, DY von Cramon
Cerebral cortex 9 (4), 379-391, 1999
Working memory constraints on syntactic ambiguity resolution as revealed by electrical brain responses
AD Friederici, K Steinhauer, A Mecklinger, M Meyer
Biological psychology 47 (3), 193-221, 1998
Syntactic parsing preferences and their on-line revisions: A spatio-temporal analysis of event-related brain potentials
AD Friederici, A Mecklinger, KM Spencer, K Steinhauer, E Donchin
Cognitive Brain Research 11 (2), 305-323, 2001
Syntactic parsing as revealed by brain responses: First-pass and second-pass parsing processes
AD Friederici, A Mecklinger
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 25, 157-176, 1996
The late posterior negativity in ERP studies of episodic memory: action monitoring and retrieval of attribute conjunctions
M Johansson, A Mecklinger
Biological psychology 64 (1-2), 91-117, 2003
Event related brain potentials and illusory memories: the effects of differential encoding
D Nessler, A Mecklinger, TB Penney
Cognitive Brain Research 10 (3), 283-301, 2001
The processing of unexpected positive response outcomes in the mediofrontal cortex
NK Ferdinand, A Mecklinger, J Kray, WJ Gehring
Journal of neuroscience 32 (35), 12087-12092, 2012
Slow cortical potentials during retention of object, spatial, and verbal information
V Bosch, A Mecklinger, AD Friederici
Cognitive Brain Research 10 (3), 219-237, 2001
Developmental differences in learning and error processing: evidence from ERPs
B Eppinger, B Mock, J Kray
Psychophysiology 46 (5), 1043-1053, 2009
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