Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Dr. Venu Gopal Madhav Annamdas PhD(NTU), PMP(PMI)Weitere Informationen
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Fatigue growth analysis of pre induced surface defects using piezoelectric wafer based impedance method and digital image correlation system
VGM Annamdas, Y Chew, JHL Pang, HJ Hoh, K Zhou, B Song
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 33, 413-426, 2014
Mandate: A*Star, Singapore
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Fatigue Monitoring of double surface defects using PZT based Electromechanical Impedance and Digital image correlation methods
VGM Annamdas, JHL Pang, Y Chew, HJ Hoh, K Zhou, B Song
Advanced Materials Research, 551-556, 2014
Mandate: A*Star, Singapore
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