Thorsten Schäfer
Thorsten Schäfer
Professor for Applied Geology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (FSU)
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Near‐edge X‐ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy for mapping nano‐scale distribution of organic carbon forms in soil: Application to black carbon particles
J Lehmann, B Liang, D Solomon, M Lerotic, F Luizão, J Kinyangi, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (1), 2005
Long‐term impacts of anthropogenic perturbations on dynamics and speciation of organic carbon in tropical forest and subtropical grassland ecosystems
D Solomon, J Lehmann, J Kinyangi, W Amelung, I Lobe, A Pell, S Riha, ...
Global Change Biology 13 (2), 511-530, 2007
Carbon K-edge NEXAFS and FTIR-ATR spectroscopic investigation of organic carbon speciation in soils
D Solomon, J Lehmann, J Kinyangi, B Liang, T Schäfer
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (1), 107-119, 2005
Metal retention and transport on colloidal particles in the environment
R Kretzschmar, T Schäfer
Elements 1 (4), 205-210, 2005
The colloid and radionuclide retardation experiment at the Grimsel Test Site: influence of bentonite colloids on radionuclide migration in a fractured rock
A Möri, WR Alexander, H Geckeis, W Hauser, T Schäfer, J Eikenberg, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 217 (1-3 …, 2003
Cluster analysis of soft X-ray spectromicroscopy data
M Lerotic, C Jacobsen, T Schäfer, S Vogt
Ultramicroscopy 100 (1-2), 35-57, 2004
Molecular signature and sources of biochemical recalcitrance of organic C in Amazonian Dark Earths
D Solomon, J Lehmann, J Thies, T Schäfer, B Liang, J Kinyangi, E Neves, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (9), 2285-2298, 2007
Variability of crystal surface reactivity: What do we know?
C Fischer, I Kurganskaya, T Schäfer, A Lüttge
Applied geochemistry 43, 132-157, 2014
Experimental investigation of the interaction of clays with high-pH solutions: A case study from the Callovo-Oxfordian formation, Meuse-Haute Marne underground laboratory (France)
F Claret, A Bauer, T Schäfer, L Griffault, B Lanson
Clays and Clay Minerals 50 (5), 633-646, 2002
Uranium redox transformations after U (VI) coprecipitation with magnetite nanoparticles
I Pidchenko, KO Kvashnina, T Yokosawa, N Finck, S Bahl, D Schild, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (4), 2217-2225, 2017
Size characterization of bentonite colloids by different methods
M Plaschke, T Schäfer, T Bundschuh, T Ngo Manh, R Knopp, H Geckeis, ...
Analytical Chemistry 73 (17), 4338-4347, 2001
Nuclear-matter distributions of halo nuclei from elastic proton scattering in inverse kinematics
P Egelhof, GD Alkhazov, MN Andronenko, A Bauchet, AV Dobrovolsky, ...
Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses: Proceedings of the Third International …, 2003
Results of the colloid and radionuclide retention experiment (CRR) at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS), Switzerland–impact of reaction kinetics and speciation on radionuclide migration
H Geckeis, T Schäfer, W Hauser, T Rabung, T Missana, C Degueldre, ...
Radiochimica Acta 92 (9-11), 765-774, 2004
Reactivity of the calcite–water-interface, from molecular scale processes to geochemical engineering
F Heberling, D Bosbach, JD Eckhardt, U Fischer, J Glowacky, M Haist, ...
Applied geochemistry 45, 158-190, 2014
Removal of uranium (VI) from the aqueous phase by iron (II) minerals in presence of bicarbonate
S Regenspurg, D Schild, T Schäfer, F Huber, ME Malmström
Applied Geochemistry 24 (9), 1617-1625, 2009
Nanoparticles and their influence on radionuclide mobility in deep geological formations
T Schäfer, F Huber, H Seher, T Missana, U Alonso, M Kumke, S Eidner, ...
Applied geochemistry 27 (2), 390-403, 2012
Generation of humic and fulvic acid from Callovo-Oxfordian clay under high alkaline conditions
F Claret, T Schäfer, A Bauer, G Buckau
Science of the total environment 317 (1-3), 189-200, 2003
Functional group analysis of natural organic colloids and clay association kinetics using C (1s) spectromicroscopy
T Schäfer, N Hertkorn, R Artinger, F Claret, A Bauer
Journal de Physique IV 104 (2), 409-412, 2003
Early hydration and microstructure formation of Portland cement paste studied by oscillation rheology, isothermal calorimetry, 1H NMR relaxometry, conductance and SAXS
A Bogner, J Link, M Baum, M Mahlbacher, T Gil-Diaz, J Lützenkirchen, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 130, 105977, 2020
U (VI) removal kinetics in presence of synthetic magnetite nanoparticles
F Huber, D Schild, T Vitova, J Rothe, R Kirsch, T Schäfer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 96, 154-173, 2012
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