Linear stochastic systems with constant coefficients M Arató
Springer-Verlag, 1982
334 * 1982 Estimation of the parameters of a complex stationary Gaussian Markov process M Arato, AN Kolmogorov, YG Sinay
Sov. Math. Dokl 3, 1368-1371, 1962
124 * 1962 A famous nonlinear stochastic equation (Lotka-Volterra model with diffusion) M Arató
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 38 (7-9), 709-726, 2003
74 2003 On the sufficient statistics for stationary Gaussian random processes M Arató
Theory of Probability & Its Applications 6 (2), 199-201, 1961
44 1961 Estimation of the parameters of a stationary Gaussian Markov process M Arató
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 145, 13-16, 1961
31 * 1961 Asymptotic inference for spatial autoregression and orthogonality of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck sheets M Arató, G Pap, MCA van Zuijlen
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 42 (1-2), 219-229, 2001
21 2001 Functionals of complex Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes M Arató, S Baran, M Ispány
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 37 (1), 1-13, 1999
21 1999 Cigányok, nyelvek, oktatás és tudomány A Mátyás
Új Pedagógiai Szemle 64, 2014
17 2014 On the statistical examination of continuous state Markov processes. I. M Arató
Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability 14, 203, 1978
15 * 1978 Probabilistic proof of a theorem on the approximation of continuous functions by means of generalized Bernstein polynomials M Arato, A Renyi
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar 8, 91-97, 1957
15 1957 Distribution function of the damping parameter of stationary Gaussian processes M Arató, A Benczúr
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar 5, 445-456, 1970
14 1970 A beás nyelvjáráskutatás előzetes tapasztalatai A Mátyás
Romológia „akkor és most”–romológusok második szakmai konferenciája …, 2013
13 2013 A note on optimal performance of page storage M Arató
Acta Cybernetica 3 (1), 25-30, 1976
13 1976 Confidence limits for the parameter of a complex stationary Gaussian Markovian process M Arató
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 13 (2), 326-332, 1968
12 * 1968 Performance evaluation of large-scale data processing systems A Adamkó, M Arató, G Fazekas, I Juhász
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics 1 …, 2007
10 2007 Minimax-robust interpolation of stationary stochastic processes MP Moklyachuk, M Arato, M Yadrenko
New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Proc. 2nd Ukrainian–Hungarian Conf …, 1995
10 1995 Diffusion approximation for multiprogrammed computer systems M Arató
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 (3-4), 315-326, 1975
10 1975 On necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence of homogeneous additive functionals of diffusion processes GL Kulinich, M Arato, M Yadrenko
Proceedings of the Second Ukrainian–Hungarian Conference: New Trends in …, 1995
8 1995 Asymptotic inference for discrete vector AR processes M Arató
8 1989 Exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian-Markovian processes M Arato, A Benczur
Time Series Analysis. Technical Publishing House, Budapest, 85-117, 1986
8 1986