Bácsi István
Bácsi István
University of Debrecen, Department of Hydrobiology
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Salt tolerance and desalination abilities of nine common green microalgae isolates
A Figler, V B-Béres, D Dobronoki, K Márton, SA Nagy, I Bácsi
Water 11 (12), 2527, 2019
Alteration of cylindrospermopsin production in sulfate- or phosphate-starved cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum
I Bácsi, G Vasas, G Surányi, M M-Hamvas, C Máthé, E Tóth, I Grigorszky, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 259 (2), 303-310, 2006
Microcystin‐LR, a cyanobacterial toxin, induces growth inhibition and histological alterations in common reed (Phragmites australis) plants regenerated from …
C Máthé, M M‐Hamvas, G Vasas, G Surányi, I Bácsi, D Beyer, S Tóth, ...
New phytologist 176 (4), 824-835, 2007
Effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on cyanobacteria and algae in laboratory strains and in natural algal assemblages
I Bácsi, B Viktória, Z Kókai, S Gonda, Z Novák, SA Nagy, G Vasas
Environmental Pollution 212, 508-518, 2016
Combined eco-morphological functional groups are reliable indicators of colonisation processes of benthic diatom assemblages in a lowland stream
B Viktória, Á Lukács, P Török, Z Kókai, Z Novák, T Enikő, B Tóthmérész, ...
Ecological Indicators 64, 31-38, 2016
Cylindrospermopsin induces alterations of root histology and microtubule organization in common reed (Phragmites australis) plantlets cultured in vitro
D Beyer, G Suranyi, G Vasas, J Roszik, F Erdődi, M Márta, I Bácsi, ...
Toxicon 54 (4), 440-449, 2009
Functional diversity supports the biomass—diversity humped-back relationship in phytoplankton assemblages
P Török, E T-Krasznai, V B-Béres, I Bácsi, G Borics, B Tóthmérész
Functional Ecology 30 (9), 1593-1602, 2016
Ecological diatom guilds are useful but not sensitive enough as indicators of extremely changing water regimes
V B-Béres, P Török, Z Kókai, ET Krasznai, B Tóthmérész, I Bacsi
Hydrobiologia 738, 191-204, 2014
Environmental filtering and limiting similarity as main forces driving diatom community structure in Mediterranean and continental temporary and perennial streams
G Várbíró, G Borics, MH Novais, MM Morais, F Rimet, A Bouchez, ...
Science of the Total Environment 741, 140459, 2020
Autumn drought drives functional diversity of benthic diatom assemblages of continental intermittent streams
B Viktória, B Tóthmérész, I Bácsi, G Borics, A Abonyi, K Tapolczai, F Rimet, ...
Advances in Water Resources 126, 129-136, 2019
The Effects of Temperature, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus on the Encystment of Peridinium cinctum, Stein (Dinophyta)
I Grigorszky, KT Kiss, V Béres, I Bácsi, M M-Hamvas, C Máthé, G Vasas, ...
Hydrobiologia 563, 527-535, 2006
Halophilic diatom taxa are sensitive indicators of even short term changes in lowland lotic systems
Z Kókai, I Bácsi, P Török, K Buczkó, C Balogh, B Tóthmérész
Acta Botanica Croatica 74 (2), 287-302, 2015
Appearance of Planktothrix rubescens Bloom with [D-Asp3, Mdha7]MC–RR in Gravel Pit Pond of a Shallow Lake-Dominated Area
G Vasas, O Farkas, G Borics, T Felföldi, G Sramkó, G Batta, I Bácsi, ...
Toxins 5 (12), 2434-2455, 2013
Ecological background of diatom functional groups: Comparability of classification systems
B Viktória, P Török, Z Kókai, Á Lukács, T Enikő, B Tóthmérész, I Bácsi
Ecological Indicators 82, 183-188, 2017
The effects of Microcystis aeruginosa (cyanobacterium) on Cryptomonas ovata (Cryptophyta) in laboratory cultures: why these organisms do not coexist in steady …
V B-Béres, I Grigorszky, G Vasas, G Borics, G Várbíró, SA Nagy, ...
Hydrobiologia 691, 97-107, 2012
Effects of nutrient content and nitrogen to phosphorous ratio on the growth, nutrient removal and desalination properties of the green alga Coelastrum morus on a laboratory scale
A Figler, K Márton, V B-Béres, I Bácsi
Energies 14 (8), 2112, 2021
Effects of metal quantity and quality to the removal of zinc and copper by two common green microalgae (Chlorophyceae) species
Z Novák, S Harangi, E Baranyai, S Gonda, V B‐Béres, I Bácsi
Phycological Research 68 (3), 227-235, 2020
The sensitivity of two Monoraphidium species to zinc: their possible future role in bioremediation
I Bácsi, Z Novák, M Jánószky, V B-Béres, I Grigorszky, SA Nagy
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12, 2455-2466, 2015
Cylindrospermopsin Inhibits Growth and Modulates Protease Activity in the Aquatic Plants Lemna minor L. and Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Horkel
K Jámbrik, C Máthé, G Vasas, I Bácsi, G Surányi, S Gonda, G Borbély, ...
Acta Biologica Hungarica 61, 77-94, 2010
Isolation of viable cell mass from frozen Microcystis viridis bloom containing microcystin-RR
G Vasas, I Bácsi, G Surányi, MM Hamvas, C Máthé, SA Nagy, G Borbély
Hydrobiologia 639, 147-151, 2010
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