May-Britt Öhman
May-Britt Öhman
Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Racism, CEMFOR, Uppsala University
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Turning water into power. Debates over the development of Tanzania's Rufiji River Basin, 1945-1985.
HJ Hoag, MB Ohman
Technology and culture 49 (3), 624, 2008
Taming Exotic Beauties: Swedish Hydro Power Constructions in Tanzania in the Era of Development Assistance, 1960s-1990s
MB Öhman
KTH, 2007
Technovisions of a Sámi cyborg: Reclaiming Sámi body-, land-, and waterscapes after a century of colonial exploitations in Sábme
MB Öhman
Illdisciplined Gender: Engaging Questions of Nature/Culture and …, 2016
Embodied vulnerability in large-scale technical systems: Vulnerable dam bodies, water bodies, and human bodies
MB Öhman
Bodies, boundaries and vulnerabilities: Interrogating social, cultural and …, 2016
” Sverige hjälper"-att fostra svenska folket till medvetenhet om sin egen storhet och andras litenhet
MB Öhman
Tidskrift för genusvetenskap 29 (1), 58-77, 2008
RE: Mindings: Co-constituting Indigenous/academic/artistic knowledges
J Gärdebo, MB Öhman, H Maruyama
Uppsala University, 2014
Being May-Britt Öhman: Or, Reflections on my own Colonized Mind Regarding Hydropower Constructions in Sápmi
MB Öhman
Travelling thoughtfulness – Feminist technoscience stories., 269-292, 2010
Visions for a future at the source: The battle against the Rönnbäck nickel mining project
M Persson, MB Öhman
The Hugo Valentin Centre, 2014
Kolonisationen, rasismen och intergenerationella trauman: Analys, reflektioner och förslag utifrån ett skriande behov av samiskLEDD forskning och undervisning
MB Öhman
Uppsala mitt i Sápmi—Sábme—Saepmie II, 99-113, 2017
Sweden Helps: Efforts to Formulate the White Man’s Burden for the Wealthy and Modern Swede
MB Öhman
Kult 7, 122-142, 2010
Lands of fire and ice: From hi-story to history in the lands of fire and ice—Our stories and embodiment as Indigenous in a colonised hemisphere
MB Öhman, F Wyld
ANU Press, 2014
The ski or the wheel?: Foregrounding Sámi technological Innovation in the Arctic region and challenging its invisibility in the history of humanity
MB Öhman
Routledge handbook of critical indigenous studies, 431-446, 2020
Places and peoples: Sámi feminist technoscience and supradisciplinary research methods
MB Öhman
Routledge, 2017
Human bodies and the forces of nature: Technoscience perspectives on hydropower dams, safety, human security, emotions and embodied knowledges
MB Öhman, EL Thunqvist
International Journal of Technoscience and Development 1 (1), 1-14, 2016
Monitoring water quality on Lake Victoria using MODIS imagery
G Anthony, B Constance, N Angella
Int J Technosci Develop 3 (1), 2016
Public participation, Human Security and Public Safety around Dams in Sweden: a case study of the regulated Ume and Lule Rivers
MB Öhman, M Palo, EL Thunqvist
Safety Science Monitor 19 (2), 2016
When the land became a testing range: Nausta, Udtja and NEAT
MB Öhman, L Mikaelsson
The Hugo Valentin Centre, 2014
Gut la dån? Vem är du? Kukas sie olet? Who are you?
MB Öhman
Statens centrum för arkitektur och design, ArkDes Förlag, 2020
Julevädno ja mån: Lule älv och jag-tystnad, minnesförlust och jojka älven som samisk-svensk vattenkraftshistoria
MB Öhman
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2015
Uppsala mitt i Sápmi: Rapport från ett symposium arrangerat av Föreningen för samiskrelaterad forskning i Uppsala, Upplandsmuseet 4-5 maj 2011
H Tunón, M Frändén, CG Ojala, MB Öhman
Naptek, Centrum för biologisk mångfald, 2012
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Artikel 1–20