Alexa Sarina Jung
Alexa Sarina Jung
PhD Student, NIOZ
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Changes over 50 years in fish fauna of a temperate coastal sea: degradation of trophic structure and nursery function
HW van der Veer, R Dapper, PA Henderson, AS Jung, CJM Philippart, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 155, 156-166, 2015
Spillover but no spillback of two invasive parasitic copepods from invasive Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to native bivalve hosts
MA Goedknegt, AK Schuster, C Buschbaum, R Gergs, AS Jung, ...
Biological Invasions 19, 365-379, 2017
Possible causes for growth variability and summer growth reduction in juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. in the western Dutch Wadden Sea
HW van der Veer, AS Jung, V Freitas, CJM Philippart, JIJ Witte
Journal of Sea Research 111, 97-106, 2016
Seasonal variation in the diet of estuarine bivalves
AS Jung, HW Van Der Veer, MTJ Van Der Meer, CJM Philippart
PLoS One 14 (6), e0217003, 2019
Long-term shifts in intertidal predator and prey communities in the Wadden Sea and consequences for food requirements and supply
AS Jung, R Dekker, M Germain, CJM Philippart, JIJ Witte, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 579, 37-53, 2017
Long-term trends in nutrient budgets of the western Dutch Wadden Sea (1976–2012)
AS Jung, AG Brinkman, EO Folmer, PMJ Herman, HW van der Veer, ...
Journal of Sea Research 127, 82-94, 2017
Trophic relationship between the invasive parasitic copepod Mytilicola orientalis and its native blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) host
MA Goedknegt, D Shoesmith, AS Jung, PC Luttikhuizen, J van der Meer, ...
Parasitology 145 (6), 814-821, 2018
Impacts of macrozoobenthic invasions on a temperate coastal food web
AS Jung, HW van der Veer, CJM Philippart, AM Waser, BJ Ens, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 653, 19-39, 2020
Spatial and temporal trends in order richness of marine phytoplankton as a tracer for the exchange zone between coastal and open waters
AS Jung, R Bijkerk, HW Van Der Veer, CJM Philippart
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97 (3 …, 2017
Long-term changes in the western Dutch Wadden Sea food web and the impact of invasive species
A Jung
Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences, 2021
Temporally varying isotopic niche overlap of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi with other zooplanktivores in the western Dutch Wadden Sea
L Walraven, W Looijengoed, A Sarina Jung, VT Langenberg, ...
bioRxiv, 402602, 2018
The impact of biological imvasions on the food web of the Wadden Sea (INFOWEB)
H Asmus
The impact of biological invasions on the Wadden Sea food web (INFOWEB)
C de la Vega, U Schückel, S Jung, H Asmus, R Asmus, I Kröncke, ...
Abundance and trophic position of gelatinous and halfgelatinous organisms in the Namibian upwelling region/von Alexa Sarina Jung
AS Jung
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Artikel 1–14