René van der Vlugt
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Virus taxonomy in the age of metagenomics
P Simmonds, MJ Adams, M Benkő, M Breitbart, JR Brister, EB Carstens, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 15 (3), 161-168, 2017
Methods in virus diagnostics: from ELISA to next generation sequencing
N Boonham, J Kreuze, S Winter, R van der Vlugt, J Bergervoet, ...
Virus research 186, 20-31, 2014
Secoviridae: a proposed family of plant viruses within the order Picornavirales that combines the families Sequiviridae and Comoviridae, the unassigned genera Cheravirus and …
H Sanfaçon, J Wellink, O Le Gall, A Karasev, R Van der Vlugt, T Wetzel
Archives of Virology 154, 899-907, 2009
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Secoviridae
JR Thompson, I Dasgupta, M Fuchs, T Iwanami, AV Karasev, K Petrzik, ...
Journal of General Virology 98 (4), 529-531, 2017
Evidence for sense RNA-mediated protection to PVYN in tobacco plants transformed with the viral coat protein cistron
RAA van der Vlugt, RK Ruiter, R Goldbach
Plant Molecular Biology 20, 631-639, 1992
First report of Pepino mosaic virus on tomato
R Van der Vlugt, C Stijger, JTJ Verhoeven, DE Lesemann
Archives of Virology, 2011
Determination of aphid transmission efficiencies for N, NTN and Wilga strains of Potato virus Y
M Verbeek, PGM Piron, AM Dullemans, C Cuperus, RAA Van Der Vlugt
Annals of Applied Biology 156 (1), 39-49, 2010
Identification and characterisation of tomato torrado virus, a new plant picorna-like virus from tomato
M Verbeek, AM Dullemans, J Van den Heuvel, PC Maris, ...
Archives of Virology 152, 881-890, 2007
Further evidence that shallot yellow stripe virus (SYSV) is a distinct potyvirus and reidentification of Welsh onion yellow stripe virus as a SYSV strain
RAA Van der Vlugt, P Steffens, C Cuperus, E Barg, DE Lesemann, L Bos, ...
Phytopathology 89 (2), 148-155, 1999
Family secoviridae
H Sanfaçon, T Iwanami, A Karasev, RAA Van der Vlugt, J Wellink, ...
Virus taxonomy, 881-900, 2011
Development of a general potexvirus detection method
RAA Van der Vlugt, M Berendsen
European Journal of Plant Pathology 108, 367-371, 2002
Illuminating an ecological blackbox: using high throughput sequencing to characterize the plant virome across scales
F Maclot, T Candresse, D Filloux, CM Malmstrom, P Roumagnac, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 578064, 2020
Seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus in tomato
IM Hanssen, R Mumford, DR Blystad, I Cortez, B Hasiów-Jaroszewska, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 126, 145-152, 2010
Characteristics of a resistance-breaking isolate of potato virus Y causing potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease
J Van den Heuvel, RAA Van der Vlugt, M Verbeek, PT De Haan, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 100, 347-356, 1994
Taxonomic relationships between distinct potato virus Y isolates based on detailed comparisons of the viral coat proteins and 3′-nontranslated regions
RAA Van der Vlugt, J Leunissen, R Goldbach
Archives of Virology 131, 361-375, 1993
High Similarity Between Tomato Isolates of Pepino mosaic Virus Suggests a Common Origin
JTJ Verhoeven, RAA Van der Vlugt, JW Roenhorst
European Journal of Plant Pathology 109, 419-425, 2003
Pepper yellow mosaic virus, a new potyvirus in sweetpepper, Capsicum annuum
AK Inoue-Nagata, MEN Fonseca, RO Resende, LS Boiteux, DC Monte, ...
Archives of virology 147, 849-855, 2002
High‐throughput sequencing technologies for plant pest diagnosis: challenges and opportunities
A Olmos, N Boonham, T Candresse, P Gentit, B Giovani, D Kutnjak, ...
EPPO Bulletin 48 (2), 219-224, 2018
Secoviridae: a proposed family of plant viruses within the order
H Sanfaçon, J Wellink, O Le Gall, A Karasev, R Van Der Vlugt, T Wetzel
Picornavirales, 2009
Torradoviruses are transmitted in a semi-persistent and stylet-borne manner by three whitefly vectors
M Verbeek, PJ van Bekkum, AM Dullemans, RAA van der Vlugt
Virus research 186, 55-60, 2014
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