Frank Lemmer (né Sandner)
Frank Lemmer (né Sandner)
Head of Floating Offshore Wind
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OC6 Phase I: Investigating the underprediction of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads and responses of a floating wind turbine
AN Robertson, S Gueydon, E Bachynski, L Wang, J Jonkman, D Alarcon, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (3), 032033, 2020
Nonlinear model predictive control of floating wind turbines with individual pitch control
S Raach, D Schlipf, F Sandner, D Matha, PW Cheng
2014 American control conference, 4434-4439, 2014
The Triple Spar campaign: Model tests of a 10MW floating wind turbine with waves, wind and pitch control
H Bredmose, F Lemmer, M Borg, A Pegalajar-Jurado, RF Mikkelsen, ...
Energy procedia 137, 58-76, 2017
State-of-the-art model for the LIFES50+ OO-Star Wind Floater Semi 10MW floating wind turbine
A Pegalajar-Jurado, H Bredmose, M Borg, JG Straume, T Landbø, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1104 (1), 012024, 2018
Improved tank test procedures for scaled floating offshore wind turbines
K Müller, F Sandner, H Bredmose, J Azcona, A Manjock, R Pereira
Efficient preliminary floating offshore wind turbine design and testing methodologies and application to a concrete spar design
D Matha, F Sandner, C Molins, A Campos, PW Cheng
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
LIFES50+ D4. 2: Public definition of the two LIFES50+ 10 MW floater concepts
W Yu, K Müller, F Lemmer, D Schlipf, H Bredmose, M Borg, T Landbø, ...
University of Stuttgart, 2018
Collective pitch feedforward control of floating wind turbines using lidar
D Schipf, E Simley, F Lemmer, L Pao, PW Cheng
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-15-755, 2015
Nonlinear model predictive control of floating wind turbines
D Schlipf, F Sandner, S Raach, D Matha, PW Cheng
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-13-191, 2013
Control design methods for floating wind turbines for optimal disturbance rejection
F Lemmer, D Schlipf, PW Cheng
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (9), 092006, 2016
Multibody modeling for concept-level floating offshore wind turbine design
F Lemmer, W Yu, B Luhmann, D Schlipf, PW Cheng
Multibody System Dynamics 49 (2), 203-236, 2020
The triple spar campaign: Implementation and test of a blade pitch controller on a scaled floating wind turbine model
W Yu, F Lemmer, H Bredmose, M Borg, A Pegalajar-Jurado, ...
Energy Procedia 137, 323-338, 2017
Reduced nonlinear model of a spar-mounted floating wind turbine
F Sandner, D Schlipf, D Matha, R Seifried, PW Cheng
Robust gain scheduling baseline controller for floating offshore wind turbines
F Lemmer, W Yu, D Schlipf, PW Cheng
Wind Energy 23 (1), 17-30, 2020
Evaluation of control methods for floating offshore wind turbines
W Yu, F Lemmer, D Schlipf, PW Cheng, B Visser, H Links, N Gupta, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1104, 012033, 2018
Integrated optimization of floating wind turbine systems
F Sandner, D Schlipf, D Matha, PW Cheng
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45547 …, 2014
Low-order modeling, controller design and optimization of floating offshore wind turbines
F Lemmer
Validation of INNWIND. EU scaled model tests of a semisubmersible floating wind turbine
F Borisade, C Koch, F Lemmer, PW Cheng, F Campagnolo, D Matha
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 28 (01), 54-64, 2018
Public definition of the two LIFES50+ 10MW floater concepts
W Yu, K Müller, F Lemmer, H Bredmose, M Borg, G Sanchez, T Landbo
LIFES50+ deliverable 4, 012024, 2017
Iterative frequency-domain response of floating offshore wind turbines with parametric drag
F Lemmer, W Yu, PW Cheng
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6 (4), 118, 2018
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