Helmut Hirtenlehner
Helmut Hirtenlehner
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Social insecurities and fear of crime: A cross-national study on the impact of welfare state policies on crime-related anxieties
D Hummelsheim, H Hirtenlehner, J Jackson, D Oberwittler
European sociological review 27 (3), 327-345, 2011
Kriminalitätsfurcht—Ausdruck generalisierter Ängste und schwindender Gewissheiten? Untersuchung zur empirischen Bewährung der Generalisierungsthese in einer österreichischen …
H Hirtenlehner
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 58, 307-331, 2006
Testing Situational Action Theory: A narrative review of studies published between 2006 and 2015
LJR Pauwels, R Svensson, H Hirtenlehner
European Journal of Criminology 15 (1), 32-55, 2018
The interaction between self-control and morality in crime causation among older adults
H Hirtenlehner, F Kunz
European Journal of Criminology 13 (3), 393-409, 2016
On the conditional relevance of controls: An application of situational action theory to shoplifting
H Hirtenlehner, B Hardie
Deviant Behavior 37 (3), 315-331, 2016
Is the effect of perceived deterrence on juvenile offending contingent on the level of self-control? Results from three countries
H Hirtenlehner, LJR Pauwels, G Mesko
British Journal of Criminology 54 (1), 128-150, 2014
Insecurities about crime in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: A review of research findings
MM Gerber, H Hirtenlehner, J Jackson
European Journal of Criminology 7 (2), 141-157, 2010
Is the criminogenic effect of exposure to peer delinquency dependent on the ability to exercise self-control? Results from three countries
H Hirtenlehner, L Pauwels, G Mesko
Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (6), 532-543, 2015
Is the ‘shadow of sexual assault’responsible for women’s higher fear of burglary?
H Hirtenlehner, S Farrall
British Journal of Criminology 54 (6), 1167-1185, 2014
Anxieties about modernization, concerns about community, and fear of crime: Testing two related models
H Hirtenlehner, S Farrall
International Criminal Justice Review 23 (1), 5-24, 2013
Can situational action theory explain the gender gap in adolescent shoplifting? Results from Austria
H Hirtenlehner, K Treiber
International Criminal Justice Review 27 (3), 165-187, 2017
Kriminalitätsangst–klar abgrenzbare Furcht vor Straftaten oder Projektionsfläche sozialer Unsicherheitslagen? Ein Überblick über den Forschungsstand von Kriminologie und …
H Hirtenlehner
Journal für Rechtspolitik 17, 13-22, 2009
Disorder, social anxieties and fear of crime: Exploring the relationship between incivilities and fear of crime with a special focus on generalized insecurities
H Hirtenlehner
Fear of Crime–Punitivity. New Developments in Theory and Research. Bochum …, 2008
Kriminalitåtsfurcht und Sicherheitsempfinden: Die Angst der BÅrger vor dem Verbrechen (und dem, was sie dafÅr halten)
H Hirtenlehner, D Hummelsheim
in Deutschland Band 1 Ziele, Nutzen und Forschungsstand, 458, 2015
Explaining the gender gap in juvenile shoplifting: A power-control theoretical analysis
H Hirtenlehner, BS Blackwell, H Leitgoeb, J Bacher
Deviant Behavior 35 (1), 41-65, 2014
Culture, institutions, and morally dubious behaviors: Testing some core propositions of the institutional-anomie theory
H Hirtenlehner, S Farrall, J Bacher
Deviant Behavior 34 (4), 291-320, 2013
Politische und soziale Folgen von Bildungsarmut
J Bacher, H Hirtenlehner, A Kupfer
Bildungsverlierer: Neue Ungleichheiten, 475-496, 2010
Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Straflust und Furcht vor Kriminalität
H Hirtenlehner, E Groß, J Meinert
Soziale Probleme 1 (27), 17-47, 2016
Experience or deterrence? Revisiting an old but neglected issue
H Hirtenlehner, POH Wikström
European journal of criminology 14 (4), 485-502, 2017
Trust in the German police: determinants and consequences for reporting behavior
N Guzy, H Hirtenlehner
Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice: European Perspectives, 203-229, 2014
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