Shirin Nilizadeh
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Peer to peer hate: Hate speech instigators and their targets
M ElSherief, S Nilizadeh, D Nguyen, G Vigna, E Belding
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 12 (1), 2018
DECENT: A decentralized architecture for enforcing privacy in online social networks
S Jahid, S Nilizadeh, P Mittal, N Borisov, A Kapadia
2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2012
Cachet: a decentralized architecture for privacy preserving social networking with caching
S Nilizadeh, S Jahid, P Mittal, N Borisov, A Kapadia
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Emerging networking …, 2012
Community-Enhanced De-anonymization of Online Social Networks
S Nilizadeh, A Kapadia, YY Ahn
21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2014
DifFuzz: Differential Fuzzing for Side-Channel Analysis
S Nilizadeh, Y Noller, CS Pasareanu
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2019
Detecting deceptive reviews using generative adversarial networks
H Aghakhani, A Machiry, S Nilizadeh, C Kruegel, G Vigna
2018 IEEE security and privacy workshops (SPW), 89-95, 2018
Measuring and Characterizing Hate Speech on News Websites
S Zannettou, M ElSherief, E Belding, S Nilizadeh, G Stringhini
12th ACM Conference on Web Science, 125-134, 2020
From Chatbots to Phishbots?: Phishing Scam Generation in Commercial Large Language Models
SS Roy, P Thota, KV Naragam, S Nilizadeh
2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 221-221, 2024
Poised: Spotting twitter spam off the beaten paths
S Nilizadeh, F Labrèche, A Sedighian, A Zand, J Fernandez, C Kruegel, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2017
Twitter's glass ceiling: The effect of perceived gender on online visibility
S Nilizadeh, A Groggel, P Lista, S Das, YY Ahn, A Kapadia, F Rojas
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 10 …, 2016
SoK: Content moderation in social media, from guidelines to enforcement, and research to practice
M Singhal, C Ling, P Paudel, P Thota, N Kumarswamy, G Stringhini, ...
2023 IEEE 8th European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 868-895, 2023
Craigslist scams and community composition: Investigating online fraud victimization
V Garg, S Nilizadeh
2013 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 123-126, 2013
Think outside the dataset: Finding fraudulent reviews using cross-dataset analysis
S Nilizadeh, H Aghakhani, E Gustafson, C Kruegel, G Vigna
The World Wide Web Conference, 3108-3115, 2019
Unveiling the risks of NFT promotion scams
SS Roy, D Das, P Bose, C Kruegel, G Vigna, S Nilizadeh
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 18 …, 2024
Phishing in the Free Waters: A Study of Phishing Attacks Created using Free Website Building Services
S Saha Roy, U Karanjit, S Nilizadeh
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference, 268-281, 2023
User engagement and the toxicity of tweets
N Salehabadi, A Groggel, M Singhal, SS Roy, S Nilizadeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03856, 2022
Spanish Facebook posts as an indicator of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Texas
A Aleksandric, HI Anderson, S Melcher, S Nilizadeh, GM Wilson
Vaccines 10 (10), 1713, 2022
Race and the beauty premium: Mechanical Turk workers’ evaluations of Twitter accounts
A Groggel, S Nilizadeh, YY Ahn, A Kapadia, F Rojas
Information, Communication & Society 22 (5), 709-716, 2019
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Phishing Reports on Twitter
SS Roy, U Karanjit, S Nilizadeh
2021 APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), 1-13, 2021
Pythia: a privacy aware, peer-to-peer network for social search
S Nilizadeh, N Alam, N Husted, A Kapadia
Proceedings of the 10th annual ACM workshop on Privacy in the electronic …, 2011
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