Bjorn Mysen
Bjorn Mysen
Geophhysical Laboratory
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Silicate glasses and melts
B Mysen, P Richet
Elsevier, 2018
Relations between the anionic structure and viscosity of silicate melts—a Raman spectroscopic study
BO Mysen, D Virgo, CM Scarfe
American Mineralogist 65 (7-8), 690-710, 1980
The structure of silicate melts: implications for chemical and physical properties of natural magma
BO Mysen, D Virgo, FA Seifert
Reviews of Geophysics 20 (3), 353-383, 1982
Structure and properties of silicate melts
BO Mysen
(No Title), 1988
Raman Spectroscopy of Si Glass at High Pressure
RJ Hemley, HK Mao, PM Bell, BO Mysen
Physical Review Letters 57 (6), 747, 1986
Melting of a hydrous mantle: I. Phase relations of natural peridotite at high pressures and temperatures with controlled activities of water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
BO MYSEN, AL Boettcher
Journal of Petrology 16 (1), 520-548, 1975
Compositional variations of coexisting phases with degree of melting of peridotite in the upper mantle
BO Mysen, I Kushiro
American Mineralogist 62 (9-10), 843-856, 1977
Raman spectroscopy of silicate melts at magmatic temperatures: Na2O-SiO2, K2O-SiO2 and Li2O-SiO2 binary compositions in the temperature range 25–1475 C
BO Mysen, JD Frantz
Chemical geology 96 (3-4), 321-332, 1992
Curve-fitting of Raman spectra of silicate glasses
BO Mysen, LW Finger, D Virgo, FA Seifert
American Mineralogist 67 (7-8), 686-695, 1982
Three-dimensional network structure of quenched melts (glass) in the systems SiO2–NaAlO2, SiO2–CaAl2O4 and SiO2–MgAl2O4
FA Seifert, BO Mysen, D Virgo
American Mineralogist 67 (7-8), 696-717, 1982
Melting of a hydrous mantle: II. Geochemistry of crystals and liquids formed by anatexis of mantle peridotite at high pressures and high temperatures as a function of …
BO MYSEN, AL Boettcher
Journal of Petrology 16 (1), 549-593, 1975
The structural role of aluminum in silicate melts—a Raman spectroscopic study at 1 atmosphere
BO Mysen, D Virgo, I Kushiro
American Mineralogist 66 (7-8), 678-701, 1981
Viscosities of basalt and andesite melts at high pressures
I Kushiro, HS Yoder Jr, BO Mysen
Journal of geophysical research 81 (35), 6351-6356, 1976
Relationships between properties and structure of aluminosilicate melts
BO Mysen, D Virgo, FA Seifert
American Mineralogist 70 (1-2), 88-105, 1985
Anionic constitution of 1-atmosphere silicate melts: implications for the structure of igneous melts
D Virgo, BO Mysen, I Kushiro
Science 208 (4450), 1371-1373, 1980
Role of aluminium in the silicate network: In situ, high-temperature study of glasses and melts on the join SiO2-NaAlO2
DR Neuville, BO Mysen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (10), 1727-1737, 1996
Organic thermometry for chondritic parent bodies
GD Cody, H Yabuta, ALD Kilcoyne, T Araki, H Ade, P Dera, M Fogel, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (1-2), 446-455, 2008
Raman spectra and structure of BaO SiO2 SrO SiO2 and CaO SiO2 melts to 1600° C
JD Frantza, BO Mysen
Chemical Geology 121 (1-4), 155-176, 1995
A reduced organic carbon component in martian basalts
A Steele, FM McCubbin, M Fries, L Kater, NZ Boctor, ML Fogel, ...
Science 337 (6091), 212-215, 2012
Relationships between silicate melt structure and petrologic processes
BO Mysen
Earth-Science Reviews 27 (4), 281-365, 1990
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