Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Qing JieWeitere Informationen
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High thermoelectric performance of MgAgSb-based materials
H Zhao, J Sui, Z Tang, Y Lan, Q Jie, D Kraemer, K McEnaney, A Guloy, ...
Nano Energy 7, 97-103, 2014
Mandate: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Thermoelectric performance enhancement of Mg 2 Sn based solid solutions by band convergence and phonon scattering via Pb and Si/Ge substitution for Sn
J Mao, Y Wang, B Ge, Q Jie, Z Liu, U Saparamadu, W Liu, Z Ren
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (30), 20726-20737, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Verfügbar: 15
Current progress and future challenges in thermoelectric power generation: From materials to devices
W Liu, Q Jie, HS Kim, Z Ren
Acta Materialia 87, 357-376, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Concentrating solar thermoelectric generators with a peak efficiency of 7.4%
D Kraemer, Q Jie, K McEnaney, F Cao, W Liu, LA Weinstein, J Loomis, ...
Nature Energy 1 (11), 1-8, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Achieving high power factor and output power density in p-type half-Heuslers Nb1-xTixFeSb
R He, D Kraemer, J Mao, L Zeng, Q Jie, Y Lan, C Li, J Shuai, HS Kim, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), 13576-13581, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Importance of high power factor in thermoelectric materials for power generation application: A perspective
W Liu, HS Kim, Q Jie, Z Ren
Scripta Materialia 111, 3-9, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
n-type thermoelectric material Mg2Sn0. 75Ge0. 25 for high power generation
W Liu, HS Kim, S Chen, Q Jie, B Lv, M Yao, Z Ren, CP Opeil, S Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3269-3274, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
High thermoelectric conversion efficiency of MgAgSb-based material with hot-pressed contacts
D Kraemer, J Sui, K McEnaney, H Zhao, Q Jie, ZF Ren, G Chen
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (4), 1299-1308, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
New insight into the material parameter B to understand the enhanced thermoelectric performance of Mg 2 Sn 1− x− y Ge x Sb y
W Liu, J Zhou, Q Jie, Y Li, HS Kim, J Bao, G Chen, Z Ren
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (2), 530-539, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Effect of Cu concentration on thermoelectric properties of nanostructured p-type MgAg0. 97− xCuxSb0. 99
J Sui, J Shuai, Y Lan, Y Liu, R He, D Wang, Q Jie, Z Ren
Acta Materialia 87, 266-272, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Thermoelectric and mechanical properties on misch metal filled p-type skutterudites Mm0. 9Fe4− xCoxSb12
T Dahal, S Gahlawat, Q Jie, K Dahal, Y Lan, K White, Z Ren
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (5), 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Transport and mechanical properties of the double-filled p-type skutterudites La0. 68Ce0. 22Fe4− xCoxSb12
T Dahal, HS Kim, S Gahlawat, K Dahal, Q Jie, W Liu, Y Lan, K White, ...
Acta Materialia 117, 13-22, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Effect of triple fillers in thermoelectric performance of p-type skutterudites
T Dahal, Q Jie, W Liu, K Dahal, C Guo, Y Lan, Z Ren
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 623, 104-108, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Enhanced critical current in superconducting FeSe0. 5Te0. 5 films at all magnetic field orientations by scalable gold ion irradiation
T Ozaki, L Wu, C Zhang, W Si, Q Jie, Q Li
Superconductor Science and Technology 31 (2), 024002, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Filling fraction of Yb in CoSb3 Skutterudite studied by electron microscopy
Y Wang, J Mao, Q Jie, B Ge, Z Ren
Applied Physics Letters 110 (16), 2017
Mandate: US Department of Energy, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Substitution of Antimony by Tin and Tellurium in n-Type Skutterudites CoSb2.8Sn x Te0.2−x
T Dahal, Y Lan, Q Jie, W Liu, K Dahal, L Tang, C Guo, Z Ren
Jom 66, 2282-2287, 2014
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Transport and mechanical properties of the double-filled p-type skutterudites
T Dahal, HS Kim, S Gahlawat, K Dahal, Q Jie, W Liu, Y Lan, K White, ...
Mandate: US Department of Energy
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