Dan-Cristian Tomozei
Dan-Cristian Tomozei
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Efficient computation of sensitivity coefficients of node voltages and line currents in unbalanced radial electrical distribution networks
K Christakou, JY LeBoudec, M Paolone, DC Tomozei
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 741-750, 2013
Real-time state estimation of the EPFL-campus medium-voltage grid by using PMUs
M Pignati, M Popovic, S Barreto, R Cherkaoui, GD Flores, JY Le Boudec, ...
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2015
GECN: Primary voltage control for active distribution networks via real-time demand-response
K Christakou, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec, M Paolone
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (2), 622-631, 2013
AC OPF in radial distribution networks–Part I: On the limits of the branch flow convexification and the alternating direction method of multipliers
K Christakou, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec, M Paolone
Electric Power Systems Research 143, 438-450, 2017
Optimal generation and storage scheduling in the presence of renewable forecast uncertainties
N Gast, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (3), 1328-1339, 2014
Primary voltage control in active distribution networks via broadcast signals: The case of distributed storage
K Christakou, DC Tomozei, M Bahramipanah, JY Le Boudec, M Paolone
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (5), 2314-2325, 2014
Distributed user profiling via spectral methods
DC Tomozei, L Massoulié
Stochastic Systems 4 (1), 1-43, 2014
Impact of storage on the efficiency and prices in real-time electricity markets
N Gast, JY Le Boudec, A Proutière, DC Tomozei
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Future energy systems …, 2013
AC OPF in radial distribution networks–Part II: An augmented Lagrangian-based OPF algorithm, distributable via primal decomposition
K Christakou, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec, M Paolone
Electric Power Systems Research 150, 24-35, 2017
iPRP—The parallel redundancy protocol for IP networks: Protocol design and operation
M Popovic, M Mohiuddin, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (5), 1842-1854, 2016
Flow control for cost-efficient peer-to-peer streaming
DC Tomozei, L Massoulié
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
iPRP: Parallel redundancy protocol for IP networks
M Popovic, M Mohiuddin, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec
2015 IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 1-4, 2015
Satisfiability of elastic demand in the smart grid
JY Le Boudec, DC Tomozei
A demand-response calculus with perfect batteries
JY Le Boudec, DC Tomozei
International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of …, 2012
Optimal storage policies with wind forecast uncertainties
N Gast, DC Tomozei, JY Le Boudec
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 40 (3), 28-32, 2012
Demand response using service curves
JY Le Boudec, DC Tomozei
2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative …, 2011
Impact of demand-response on the efficiency and prices in real-time electricity markets
N Gast, JY Le Boudec, DC Tomozei
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Future energy systems …, 2014
Attribution mechanisms for ancillary service costs induced by variability in power delivery
F Bona, N Gast, JY Le Boudec, P Pinson, DC Tomozei
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (3), 1891-1901, 2016
Non-metric coordinates for predicting network proximity
P Key, L Massoulié, DC Tomozei
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 1840-1848, 2008
Device and method for optimizing access to contents by users
C Diot, L Massoulie, DC Tomozei
US Patent 9,473,743, 2016
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