Thorsten Peters
Thorsten Peters
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Stationary light pulses in cold atomic media and without Bragg gratings
YW Lin, WT Liao, T Peters, HC Chou, JS Wang, HW Cho, PC Kuan, IA Yu
Physical review letters 102 (21), 213601, 2009
One-dimensional ultracold medium of extreme optical depth
F Blatt, T Halfmann, T Peters
Optics Letters 39 (3), 446-449, 2014
Highly efficient broadband conversion of light polarization by composite retarders
SS Ivanov, AA Rangelov, NV Vitanov, ABT Peters, T Halfmann
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29 (3), 265-269, 2012
Stationary light pulses and narrowband light storage in a laser-cooled ensemble loaded into a hollow-core fiber
F Blatt, LS Simeonov, T Halfmann, T Peters
Physical Review A 94 (4), 043833, 2016
Experimental demonstration of selective coherent population transfer via a continuum
T Peters, LP Yatsenko, T Halfmann
Physical review letters 95 (10), 103601, 2005
Variable ultra-broadband and narrowband composite polarization retarders
T Peters, SS Ivanov, D Englisch, AA Rangelov, NV Vitanov, T Halfmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.4358, 2012
Experimental and theoretical investigation of even mp51/2 np′ autoionizing resonances of rare gas atoms
T Peters, T Halfmann, U Even, A Wünnenberg, ID Petrov, VL Sukhorukov, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (2), S51, 2005
Lineshapes of the even mp1/2 5n(p/f) autoionizing resonances of Ar, Kr and Xe
ID Petrov, T Peters, T Halfmann, S Aloise, P O'Keeffe, M Meyer, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2006
Thermometry of ultracold atoms by electromagnetically induced transparency
T Peters, B Wittrock, F Blatt, T Halfmann, LP Yatsenko
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (6), 063416, 2012
Optimizing the retrieval efficiency of stored light pulses
T Peters, YH Chen, JS Wang, YW Lin, IA Yu
Optics express 17 (8), 6665-6675, 2009
Formation of stationary light in a medium of nonstationary atoms
T Peters, SW Su, YH Chen, JS Wang, SC Gou, IA Yu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023838, 2012
Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage via the ionization continuum in helium: Experiment and theory
T Peters, T Halfmann
Optics communications 271 (2), 475-486, 2007
Single-photon-level narrowband memory in a hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber
T Peters, TP Wang, A Neumann, LS Simeonov, T Halfmann
Optics Express 28 (4), 5340-5354, 2020
Autoionizing even Rydberg series of Ne: a comparison of many-electron theory and experiment
ID Petrov, VL Sukhorukov, T Peters, O Zehnder, HJ Wörner, F Merkt, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (16), 3159, 2006
Laser frequency stabilization by bichromatic saturation absorption spectroscopy
G Genov, TE Lellinger, T Halfmann, T Peters
JOSA B 34 (9), 2018-2030, 2017
Ultrabright and narrowband intra-fiber biphoton source at ultralow pump power
A Bruns, CY Hsu, S Stryzhenko, E Giese, LP Yatsenko, AY Ite, T Halfmann, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 8 (1), 015002, 2022
Observation of phase variation within stationary light pulses inside a cold atomic medium
T Peters, YH Chen, JS Wang, YW Lin, IA Yu
Optics letters 35 (2), 151-153, 2010
Direct measurement of the atom number in a Bose condensate
HW Cho, YC He, T Peters, YH Chen, HC Chen, SC Lin, YC Lee, IA Yu
Optics Express 15 (19), 12114-12122, 2007
Loading and spatially resolved characterization of a cold atomic ensemble inside a hollow-core fiber
T Peters, LP Yatsenko, T Halfmann
Physical Review A 103 (6), 063302, 2021
Optimal pulse propagation in an inhomogeneously gas-filled hollow-core fiber
R Sulzbach, T Peters, R Walser
Physical Review A 100 (1), 013847, 2019
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