Mairi Männamaa
Mairi Männamaa
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tartu
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Profiles of self-regulation in elementary grades: Relations to math and reading skills
K Mägi, M Männamaa, E Kikas
Learning and Individual Differences 51, 37-48, 2016
Cognitive correlates of math skills in third-grade students
M Männamaa, E Kikas, K Peets, A Palu
Educational Psychology 32 (1), 21-44, 2012
The screening of SLC6A8 deficiency among Estonian families with X‐linked mental retardation
H Puusepp, K Kall, GS Salomons, I Talvik, M Männamaa, R Rein, ...
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease: Official Journal of the Society for …, 2010
Maternally and paternally inherited deletion of 7q31 involving the FOXP2 gene in two families
O Žilina, T Reimand, P Zjablovskaja, K Männik, M Männamaa, A Traat, ...
American journal of medical genetics Part A 158 (1), 254-256, 2012
Epilepsy after perinatal stroke with different vascular subtypes
R Laugesaar, U Vaher, S Lõo, A Kolk, M Männamaa, I Talvik, ...
Epilepsia Open 3 (2), 193-202, 2018
Follow‐up study of 2‐year‐olds born at very low gestational age in E stonia
L Toome, H Varendi, M Männamaa, MA Vals, T Tänavsuu, A Kolk
Acta Paediatrica 102 (3), 300-307, 2013
Outcome of infants with inflicted traumatic brain injury (shaken baby syndrome) in Estonia
I Talvik, M Männamaa, P Jüri, K Leito, H Põder, M Hämarik, P Kool, ...
Acta paediatrica 96 (8), 1164-1168, 2007
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after perinatal arterial ischemic stroke and periventricular venous infarction
S Lõo, P Ilves, M Männamaa, R Laugesaar, D Loorits, T Tomberg, A Kolk, ...
european journal of paediatric neurology 22 (6), 1006-1015, 2018
Lapse üldoskuste areng. E. Kulderknup (Toim)
M Männamaa, I Marats
Üldoskuste areng koolieelses eas, 5-43, 2009
Resting‐state functional connectivity and cognitive impairment in children with perinatal stroke
N Ilves, P Ilves, R Laugesaar, J Juurmaa, M Männamaa, S Lõo, D Loorits, ...
Neural plasticity 2016 (1), 2306406, 2016
Probing the perceptual and cognitive underpinnings of braille reading. An Estonian population study
A Veispak, B Boets, M Männamaa, P Ghesquiere
Research in Developmental Disabilities 33 (5), 1366-1379, 2012
The effect of testing condition on word guessing in elementary school children
M Männamaa, E Kikas, A Raidvee
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 26 (1), 16-26, 2008
Õpetamistegevused ja õpilaste tekstimõistmine üleminekul esimesest kooliastmest teise astmesse
K Uibu, M Männamaa
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri 2 (1), 96, 2014
The relationships among verbal skills of primary school students with specific learning disabilities and a typically developing comparison group
E Kikas, M Männamaa, V Kumari, T Ulst
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 55 (4), 315-329, 2008
Teaching strategies to improve students’ vocabulary and text comprehension
T Kärbla, K Uibu, M Männamaa
European Journal of Psychology of Education 36, 553-572, 2021
Vocabulary and text comprehension levels: what should be considered in assessments?
T Kärbla, M Männamaa, K Uibu
Educational Psychology 40 (7), 875-892, 2020
Apgar score and neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 5 years in infants born extremely preterm
H Ehrhardt, AM Aubert, U Ådén, ES Draper, A Gudmundsdottir, H Varendi, ...
JAMA network open 6 (9), e2332413-e2332413, 2023
Motor‐related health care for 5‐year‐old children born extremely preterm with movement impairments
R Costa, AM Aubert, AV Seppänen, U Ådén, L Sarrechia, M Zemlin, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 64 (9), 1131-1144, 2022
Movement difficulties at age five among extremely preterm infants
AM Aubert, R Costa, U Ådén, M Cuttini, M Männamaa, V Pierrat, ...
Pediatrics 149 (6), e2021054920, 2022
Language skills at corrected age 2; 0 are poorer in extremely and very preterm boys but not girls compared with their full-term peers
T Tulviste, L Toome, M Männamaa, H Varendi
Early Human Development 151, 105164, 2020
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