Machelle D Wilson
Machelle D Wilson
Principal Statistician, Department of Public Health Science, University of California, Davis
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Acculturative stress in Asian immigrants: The impact of social and linguistic factors
K Lueck, M Wilson
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34 (1), 47-57, 2010
Acculturative stress in Latino immigrants: The impact of social, socio-psychological and migration-related factors
K Lueck, M Wilson
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 35 (2), 186-195, 2011
Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection
Journal of British Surgery 107 (12), e601-e602, 2020
Individual-tree diameter growth and mortality models for bottomland mixed-species hardwood stands in the lower Mississippi alluvial valley
D Zhao, B Borders, M Wilson
Forest Ecology and Management 199 (2-3), 307-322, 2004
Differentiation of ovarian endometriomas from hemorrhagic cysts at MR imaging: utility of the T2 dark spot sign
MT Corwin, EO Gerscovich, R Lamba, M Wilson, JP McGahan
Radiology 271 (1), 126-132, 2014
Correlates of quality of life in rural patients with heart failure
T Nesbitt, S Doctorvaladan, JA Southard, S Singh, A Fekete, K Marie, ...
Circulation: Heart Failure 7 (6), 882-887, 2014
Modeling neighborhood effects on the growth and survival of individual trees in a natural temperate species-rich forest
D Zhao, B Borders, M Wilson, SL Rathbun
Ecological Modelling 196 (1-2), 90-102, 2006
Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers
KK Kim, P Sankar, MD Wilson, SC Haynes
BMC medical ethics 18, 1-10, 2017
Apatite and phillipsite as sequestering agents for metals and radionuclides
AS Knox, DI Kaplan, DC Adriano, TG Hinton, MD Wilson
Journal of Environmental Quality 32 (2), 515-525, 2003
Preformed vs intraoperative bending of titanium mesh for orbital reconstruction
EB Strong, SC Fuller, DF Wiley, J Zumbansen, MD Wilson, MC Metzger
Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery 149 (1), 60-66, 2013
Habitat and exposure modelling for ecological risk assessment: A case study for the raccoon on the Savannah River Site
TE Chow, KF Gaines, ME Hodgson, MD Wilson
Ecological Modelling 189 (1-2), 151-167, 2005
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in critically ill patients: protocolized versus nonprotocolized management
JJ Duby, AJ Berry, P Ghayyem, MD Wilson, CS Cocanour
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 77 (6), 938-943, 2014
Reducing obesity prejudice in medical education
K Matharu, JF Shapiro, RR Hammer, RL Kravitz, MD Wilson, FT Fitzgerald
Education for health 27 (3), 231-237, 2014
Relationships among food label use, motivation, and dietary quality
LMS Miller, DL Cassady, EA Applegate, LA Beckett, MD Wilson, ...
Nutrients 7 (2), 1068-1080, 2015
Valid statistical approaches for analyzing sholl data: Mixed effects versus simple linear models
MD Wilson, S Sethi, PJ Lein, KP Keil
Journal of neuroscience methods 279, 33-43, 2017
Medical students’ attitudes toward gay men
K Matharu, RL Kravitz, GT McMahon, MD Wilson, FT Fitzgerald
BMC Medical Education 12, 1-7, 2012
Statin use and asthma control in patients with severe asthma
AA Zeki, J Oldham, M Wilson, O Fortenko, V Goyal, M Last, A Last, A Patel, ...
BMJ open 3 (8), e003314, 2013
In vivo and in vitro sex differences in the dendritic morphology of developing murine hippocampal and cortical neurons
KP Keil, S Sethi, MD Wilson, H Chen, PJ Lein
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8486, 2017
Underwater versus conventional endoscopic resection of nondiminutive nonpedunculated colorectal lesions: a prospective randomized controlled trial (with video)
AW Yen, JW Leung, MD Wilson, FW Leung
Gastrointestinal endoscopy 91 (3), 643-654. e2, 2020
Modeling response curves and testing treatment effects in repeated measures experiments: a multilevel nonlinear mixed-effects model approach
D Zhao, M Wilson, BE Borders
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (1), 122-132, 2005
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