Seung Hyun Kim
Seung Hyun Kim
Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University
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Reconstruction and effective transport properties of the catalyst layer in PEM fuel cells
SH Kim, H Pitsch
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156 (6), B673, 2009
Accuracy of higher-order lattice Boltzmann methods for microscale flows with finite Knudsen numbers
SH Kim, H Pitsch, ID Boyd
Journal of computational physics 227 (19), 8655-8671, 2008
A new angular discretization scheme of the finite volume method for 3-D radiative heat transfer in absorbing, emitting and anisotropically scattering media
SH Kim, KY Huh
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (7), 1233-1242, 2000
Conditional moment closure modeling of turbulent nonpremixed combustion in diluted hot coflow
SH Kim, KY Huh, B Dally
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 751-757, 2005
Scalar gradient and small-scale structure in turbulent premixed combustion
SH Kim, H Pitsch
Physics of Fluids 19 (11), 115104, 2007
Application of the elliptic conditional moment closure model to a two-dimensional nonpremixed methanol bluff-body flame
SH Kim, KY Huh, L Tao
Combustion and Flame 120 (1-2), 75-90, 2000
Use of the conditional moment closure model to predict NO formation in a turbulent CH4/H2 flame over a bluff-body
SH Kim, KY Huh
Combustion and flame 130 (1-2), 94-111, 2002
Slip velocity and Knudsen layer in the lattice Boltzmann method for microscale flows
SH Kim, H Pitsch, ID Boyd
Physical review E 77 (2), 026704, 2008
Second-order conditional moment closure modeling of turbulent piloted jet diffusion flames
SH Kim, KY Huh
Combustion and flame 138 (4), 336-352, 2004
A generalized periodic boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann method simulation of a pressure driven flow in a periodic geometry
SH Kim, H Pitsch
Physics of Fluids 19 (10), 108101, 2007
Large eddy simulation of dilute reacting sprays: Droplet evaporation and scalar mixing
S De, SH Kim
Combustion and Flame 160 (10), 2048-2066, 2013
Modeling autoignition of a turbulent methane jet by the conditional moment closure model
SH Kim, KY Huh, RA Fraser
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (1), 185-191, 2000
Assessment of the finite-volume method and the discrete ordinate method for radiative heat transfer in a three-dimensional rectangular enclosure
SH Kim, KY Huh
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part B: Fundamentals 35 (1), 85-112, 1999
An analysis of premixed flamelet models for large eddy simulation of turbulent combustion
E Knudsen, SH Kim, H Pitsch
Physics of Fluids 22 (11), 115109, 2010
Conditional filtering method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent nonpremixed combustion
SH Kim, H Pitsch
Physics of Fluids 17 (10), 105103, 2005
Second-order conditional moment closure modeling of local extinction and reignition in turbulent non-premixed hydrocarbon flames
SH Kim, KY Huh, RW Bilger
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (2), 2131-2137, 2002
The effects of catalyst layer microstructure and water saturation on the effective diffusivity in PEMFC
W Zheng, SH Kim
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (7), F468, 2018
Mixing characteristics and structure of a turbulent jet diffusion flame stabilized on a bluff-body
SH Kim, H Pitsch
Physics of Fluids 18 (7), 075103, 2006
Second-order conditional moment closure modeling of a turbulent CH 4/H 2/N 2 jet diffusion flame
SH Kim, CH Choi, KY Huh
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 735-742, 2005
Analytic solution for a higher-order lattice Boltzmann method: Slip velocity and Knudsen layer
SH Kim, H Pitsch
Physical Review E 78 (1), 016702, 2008
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