Donald C Wunsch II
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Survey of clustering algorithms
R Xu, D Wunsch
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 16 (3), 645-678, 2005
R Xu, DC Wunsch
Adaptive critic designs
DV Prokhorov, DC Wunsch
IEEE transactions on Neural Networks 8 (5), 997-1007, 1997
Handbook of learning and approximate dynamic programming
J Si, AG Barto, WB Powell, D Wunsch
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Comparative study of stock trend prediction using time delay, recurrent and probabilistic neural networks
EW Saad, DV Prokhorov, DC Wunsch
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 9 (6), 1456-1470, 1998
Principal manifolds for data visualization and dimension reduction
AN Gorban, B Kégl, DC Wunsch, AY Zinovyev
Springer 58, 96-130, 2008
Using neural networks to estimate wind turbine power generation
S Li, DC Wunsch, EA O'Hair, MG Giesselmann
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 16 (3), 276-282, 2001
Clustering algorithms in biomedical research: a review
R Xu, DC Wunsch
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 3, 120-154, 2010
Recurrent neural network based prediction of epileptic seizures in intra-and extracranial EEG
A Petrosian, D Prokhorov, R Homan, R Dasheiff, D Wunsch II
Neurocomputing 30 (1-4), 201-218, 2000
Comparison of heuristic dynamic programming and dual heuristic programming adaptive critics for neurocontrol of a turbogenerator
GK Venayagamoorthy, RG Harley, DC Wunsch
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 13 (3), 764-773, 2002
Time series prediction with recurrent neural networks trained by a hybrid PSO–EA algorithm
X Cai, N Zhang, GK Venayagamoorthy, DC Wunsch II
Neurocomputing 70 (13-15), 2342-2353, 2007
Adaptive critic designs: A case study for neurocontrol
DV Prokhorov, RA Santiago, DC Wunsch II
Neural Networks 8 (9), 1367-1372, 1995
Inference of genetic regulatory networks with recurrent neural network models using particle swarm optimization
R Xu, D Wunsch II, R Frank
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 4 (4), 681-692, 2007
Supervised actor-critic reinforcement learning
MT Rosenstein, AG Barto, J Si, A Barto, W Powell, D Wunsch
Learning and approximate dynamic programming: scaling up to the real world …, 2004
Artificial neural networks for control of a grid-connected rectifier/inverter under disturbance, dynamic and power converter switching conditions
S Li, M Fairbank, C Johnson, DC Wunsch, E Alonso, JL Proao
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 25 (4), 738-750, 2013
Vehicle base station
EW Saad, JL Vian, MA Vavrina, JA Nisbett, DC Wunsch
US Patent 8,899,903, 2014
Comparative analysis of regression and artificial neural network models for wind turbine power curve estimation
S Li, DC Wunsch, E O’Hair, MG Giesselmann
J. Sol. Energy Eng. 123 (4), 327-332, 2001
Modeling of gene regulatory networks with hybrid differential evolution and particle swarm optimization
R Xu, GK Venayagamoorthy, DC Wunsch II
Neural Networks 20 (8), 917-927, 2007
Clustering (Vol. 10)
R Xu, D Wunsch
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
A comparison study of validity indices on swarm-intelligence-based clustering
R Xu, J Xu, DC Wunsch
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 42 …, 2012
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