Umakanth Akula
Umakanth Akula
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Sweet sorghum as biofuel feedstock: recent advances and available resources
S Mathur, AV Umakanth, VA Tonapi, R Sharma, MK Sharma
Biotechnology for biofuels 10, 1-19, 2017
Sweet sorghum for biofuel and strategies for its improvement
SP Rao, SS Rao, N Seetharama, AV Umakath, PS Reddy, BVS Reddy, ...
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, 2009
Sweet sorghum research and development in India: status and prospects
KS Vinutha, L Rayaprolu, K Yadagiri, AV Umakanth, JV Patil, ...
Sugar Tech 16, 133-143, 2014
Sweet sorghum planting effects on stalk yield and sugar quality in semi‐arid tropical environment
SS Rao, JV Patil, PVV Prasad, DCS Reddy, JS Mishra, AV Umakanth, ...
Agronomy Journal 105 (5), 1458-1465, 2013
Sorghum biomass: a novel renewable carbon source for industrial bioproducts
RS Prakasham, D Nagaiah, KS Vinutha, A Uma, T Chiranjeevi, ...
Biofuels 5 (2), 159-174, 2014
Sweet sorghum for biofuel industry
AV Umakanth, AA Kumar, W Vermerris, VA Tonapi
Breeding sorghum for diverse end uses, 255-270, 2019
Exploring anthocyanins, antioxidant capacity and α-glucosidase inhibition in bran and flour extracts of selected sorghum genotypes
PK Kumari, AV Umakanth, TB Narsaiah, A Uma
Food Bioscience 41, 100979, 2021
Correlation and heritability studies in Ashwini maize composite.
AV Umakanth, E Satyanarayana, MV Nagesh Kumar
Combining Ability and Heterosis over Environments for Stalk and Sugar Related Traits in Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.)
AV Umakanth, JV Patil, C Rani, SR Gadakh, S Siva Kumar, SS Rao, ...
Sugar Tech 14, 237-246, 2012
Comparative performance of sweet sorghum hybrids and open pollinated varieties for millable stalk yield, biomass, sugar quality traits, grain yield and bioethanol production in …
SS Rao, JV Patil, AV Umakanth, JS Mishra, CV Ratnavathi, GS Prasad, ...
Sugar Tech 15, 250-257, 2013
History of post-rainy season sorghum research in India and strategies for breaking the yield plateau
JV Patil, PS Reddy, AV Umakanth, S Gomashe, KN Ganapathy
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 74 (03), 271-285, 2014
Inheritance and molecular mapping of Rf6 locus with pollen fertility restoration ability on A1 and A2 cytoplasms in sorghum
M Praveen, N Suneetha, U Av, JV Patil, R Madhusudhana
Plant Science 238, 73-80, 2015
Fodder yield and quality in forage sorghum: scope for improvement through diverse male sterile cytoplasms
C Aruna, PK Shrotria, SK Pahuja, AV Umakanth, BV Bhat, AV Devender, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (12), 1114-1123, 2013
Analysis of genetic variation and trait interrelationships in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench].
AV Umakanth, R Madhusudhana, KM Latha, SM Rafiq, VSS Kiran
Correlation and path analysis of grain yield and yield components in maize (Zea mays L.).
AV Umakanth, HA Khan
Millet seed technology: seed production, quality control & legal compliance
VA Tonapi, BV Bhat, N Kannababu, M Elangovan, AV Umakanth, ...
Indian Institute of Millets Research, 2015
Character association and heritability studies in Harsha maize composity.
AV Umakanth, N Sunil
Combining ability studies for grain yield and its components in post-rainy season sorghum grown in medium-deep and shallow soils.
SM Rafiq, RY Thete, R Madhusudhana, AV Umakanth
Genetic Architecture of Yield and its Con-tributing Characters in Postrainy-Season Sorghum
AV Umakanth, R Madhusudhana, K Madhavi, P Latha, S Kaul
International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 37, 2002
Sweet sorghum: genetics, breeding and commercialization.
PS Rao, AV Umakanth, BVS Reddy, I Dweikat, SB Sujata Bhargava, ...
Biofuel crops: production, physiology and genetics, 172-198, 2013
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