Mosleh Eftekhari
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Prediction of mode I fracture toughness of rock using linear multiple regression and gene expression programming
B Afrasiabian, M Eftekhari
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (5), 1421-1432, 2022
Investigating of chemical effects on rock fracturing using extended finite element method
E Mohtarami, A Baghbanan, M Eftekhari, H Hashemolhosseini
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 89, 110-126, 2017
Predicting penetration rate of a tunnel boring machine using artificial neural network
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, M Bayati
ISRM International Symposium-Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ISRM-ARMS6-2010-108, 2010
Crack propagation in rock specimen under compressive loading using extended finite element method
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, H Hashemolhosseini
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015
Evaluating the influence of engineering geological parameters on TBM performance during grinding process in limestone strata
SM Pourhashemi, K Ahangari, J Hassanpour, SM Eftekhari
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80, 3023-3040, 2021
Fracture propagation in a cracked semicircular bend specimen under mixed mode loading using extended finite element method
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, H Hashemolhosseini
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9635-9646, 2015
The effect of fracture patterns on penetration rate of TBM in fractured rock mass using probabilistic numerical approach
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, R Bagherpour
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 5321-5331, 2014
TBM performance analysis in very strong and massive rocks; case study: Kerman water conveyance tunnel project, Iran
SM Pourhashemi, K Ahangari, J Hassanpour, SM Eftekhari
Geomechanics and Geoengineering 17 (4), 1110-1122, 2022
Mechanism of fracture in macro- and micro-scales in Hollow Centre Cracked Disc specimen
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, H Hashemolhosseini, H Amrollahi
Journal of Central South University, 2015
Geomechanical zonation using multivariate fractal modeling in Chadormalu iron mine, Central Iran
M Mahdizadeh, P Afzal, M Eftekhari, K Ahangari
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81 (1), 59, 2022
Determination of crack initiation and propagation in two disc shaped specimens using the improved maximum tangential stress criterion
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, E Mohtarami, H Hashemolhosseini
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 55 (2), 469-480, 2017
Determining Stress Intensity Factor for Cracked Brazilian Disc Using Extended Finite Element Method
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, H Hashemolhosseini
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 3 (7), 890-893, 2014
Extended finite element simulation of crack propagation in cracked Brazilian disc
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, H Hashemolhosseini
Journal of Mining and Environment 6 (1), 95-102, 2015
Evaluating MTS criterion in predicting mixed‐mode crack extension under different loading conditions
M Eftekhari, C Xu
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 46 (1), 96-110, 2023
A predictive model for estimating the TBM penetration rate based on hybrid ICA-ANN and DEA-AHP algorithms
M Eftekhari, N Eftekhari
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 40 (6), 3191-3209, 2022
Numerical analysis of blast-induced damage in rock slopes
D Kaveh Ahangaran, K Ahangari, M Eftekhari
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 7 (1), 83, 2022
Analysis of Grinding and Chipping Processes beneath Disc Cutters of Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines (Case study: Uma-Oya water Conveyance Tunnel, SriLanka)
SM Pourhashemi, K Ahangari, J Hassanpour, SM Eftekhari
Journal of Mining and Environment 12 (1), 281-297, 2021
Application of principal component analysis in prediction of penetration rate of TBM using artificial neural networks
M Mokhtarian, M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan
Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering 3 (6), 33-43, 2014
The effect of operational parameters on penetration rate of a TBM using artificial neural networks-a case study: Zagros Tunnel
M Eftekhari, A Baghbanan, R Bagherpour
Tunneling & Underground Space Engineering (TUSE), 2013
Loss displacement estimation of Azad pumped storage powerhouse cavern using combination of numerical modeling and instrumentation results
H Aghakhani, K Ahangari, M Eftekhari
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 7, 1-18, 2022
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