Ratna Indrawati
Ratna Indrawati
Universitas Esa Unggul
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Service quality, customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer loyalty in service of Paediatric Polyclinic over Private H Hospital of East Jakarta, Indonesia
C Elizar, R Indrawati, TYR Syah
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (2), 105-111, 2020
Pengaruh komposisi media dan kadar nutrisi hidroponik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
R Indrawati, D Indradewa, SNH Utami
Vegetalika 1 (3), 109-119, 2012
Work life balance, turnover intention, and organizational commitment in nursing employees at X hospital, Tangerang, Indonesia
MC Wardana, R Anindita, R Indrawati
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (4), 221-228, 2020
The effect of transformational leadership on affective commitments with job satisfaction and organizational culture as an intervening variable
NA Ratina, RI Lestariani, R Indradewa, TYR Syah
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (6), 447-452, 2021
Investment Feasibility Analysis in Financial Aspects of Noor Halal Minimarket Business Development Over Islamic Schools
FP Prihambodo, TYR Syah, R Indradewa, D Fajarwati
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (3), 190-193, 2020
Lasik Clinic New Business Model To Meet The Surgical Cost Challenges: A Contribution To Decrease Indonesia’s Refractive Disorders Rate And To Meet Indonesia’s Healthy Vision Of …
P Sophia, YRS Tantri, P Semerdanta, I Ratna
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 90 (6), 60-67, 2019
Ewom, kepercayaan, citra merek terhadap niat pembelian ulang pada poliklinik penyakit dalam di RS ABC Jakarta
H Anjani, E Ruswanti, R Indrawati
Jurnal Health Sains 3 (3), 402-414, 2022
Role of payback period, ROI, and NPV for investment in clinical health business
S Stelling, TYR Syah, R Indrawati, D Dewanto
International advanced research journal in science, engineering and …, 2018
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance, Capital Structure on Financial Performance with Profit Management as Mediation: Case Study in the Health Industry
R Indrawati, F Hanif
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Work Life Balance Tenaga Kesehatan Di Rumah Sakit Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
ED Suwito, RA Pamungkas, R Indrawati
Jurnal Health Sains 3 (3), 377-393, 2022
Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, and Customer Loyalty in the Service of Pediatric Polyclinic (Case Study At Private H Hospital of East Jakarta, Indonesia)
R Indrawati, C Elizar, R Mutiara, D Roespinoedji
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020
A Mobley Theory to Predict Organizational Commitment as a Media Factor on Turnover Intention: A Structure Equation Model
A Sarantie, R Indrawati, EY Mulyani
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) 5 (2), 210-218, 2022
Implementation of Medical and Non-Medical Risk Management Infertility and Gynecology Over Kamala Clinics
Y Erisha, R Indradewa, TYR Syah, RI Lestariani
Journal of multidisciplinary Academic 5 (1), 36-40, 2021
The influence of communication skill toward employee performance in radiology installation unit of hospital
A Soekardi, R Indrawati, N Erni
Management and entrepreneurship: trends of development 4 (14), 31-42, 2020
THE The Importance of Employee Engagement in Mediating the Improvement of Staff Performance at the Hospital
NS Amalia, R Indrawati, E Ruswanti
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) 4 (3), 313-324, 2021
Pengaruh Kolesterol Total, Merokok, Tekanan Darah, High Density Lipoprotein, Umur Terhadap Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Di RSUD Budhi Asih …
R Indrawati L
Inohim, 2018
Marketing Strategy Business to Costumer (B2C) Maternity Clinic Industry
NM Yulianti, STY Rahmat, D Deddy, IL Ratna
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2018
The mediating role from work motivation towards the implementation of corporate governance and RSUD X's performance
RDA Damayanti, R Indrawati, M Aida
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science 3 …, 2021
Situational Leadership Style Supports the Performance of Doctors in the Military Based Hospital
AD Harsono, R Indrawati, I Jus' at
European Journal of Business and Management Research 6 (2), 118-126, 2021
Patient and Family Engagement: The Secret Behind Quality Healthcare Services (Literature Review)
A Wahyudi, I Trihapsoro, L Yuwanto, R Indrawati, B Nazeli
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2 (9), 3645-3664, 2023
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