I Campos-Cantón
I Campos-Cantón
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Difference map and its electronic circuit realization
M García-Martínez, I Campos-Cantón, E Campos-Cantón, S Čelikovský
Nonlinear Dynamics 74, 819-830, 2013
A simple electronic circuit realization of the tent map
I Campos-Cantón, E Campos-Cantón, JS Murguía, HC Rosu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (1), 12-16, 2009
A simple circuit with dynamic logic architecture of basic logic gates
I Campos-Cantón, JA Pecina-Sánchez, E Campos-Cantón, HC Rosu
International Journal of bifurcation and chaos 20 (08), 2547-2551, 2010
A parameterized family of single-double-triple-scroll chaotic oscillations
E Campos-Cantón, I Campos-Cantón, JS González Salas, F Cruz Ordaz
Revista mexicana de física 54 (6), 411-415, 2008
Evaluation of Psychoacoustic Annoyance and Perception of Noise Annoyance Inside University Facilities
ESKM Edgar Tristán Hernández, Ignacio Pavón García, Juan Manuel López ...
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations 23 (1), 3-8, 2018
Forced synchronization of a self-sustained chaotic oscillator
JS González Salas, E Campos Cantón, FC Ordaz Salazar, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 18 (2), 2008
Multivalued synchronization by Poincaré coupling
LJ Ontanón-Garcıa, E Campos-Cantón, R Femat, I Campos-Cantón, ...
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (10), 2761-2768, 2013
Influence of background noise produced in university facilities on the brain waves associated with attention of students and employees
E Trista´ n-Hernández, I Pav´ on-García, I Campos-Cantón, ...
Perception 46 (9), 1105-1117, 2017
A multivibrator circuit based on chaos generation
E Campos-Cantón, R Femat, JG Barajas-Ramírez, I Campos-Cantón
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22 (01), 1250011, 2012
Forced synchronization of autonomous dynamical Boolean networks
RR Rivera-Durón, E Campos-Cantón, I Campos-Cantón, DJ Gauthier
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 25 (8), 2015
Dynamic behavior in a pair of Lorenz systems interacting via positive-negative coupling
LJ Ontañón-García, IC Cantón, JP Ramirez
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 145, 110808, 2021
Desarrollo de celdas lógicas por medio del espacio de estados en un sistema bidimensional
I Campos-Cantón
Revista mexicana de física 57 (2), 117-124, 2011
Set-reset flip-flop circuit with a simple output logic
I Campos-Cantón, E Campos-Cantón, HC Rosu, E Castellanos-Velasco
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 31, 753-760, 2012
Nonlinear control of a half-bridge DC-AC converter: Application to UPS
I Campos-Canton, G Espinosa-Perez
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 1999
Bifurcation from chaos to periodic states in bidirectional interconnected Lorenz systems by the variation of the coupling strengths
LJ Ontañón-García, MG Martínez, IC Cantón, CS Montalvo, MTR Torres, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (33), 86-90, 2018
Signal generator based on a chaotic circuit
I Campos-Cantón, E Campos-Cantón, E Castellanos-Velasco
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 66, 309-313, 2011
Instrumentación virtual de un pulsioxímetro
I Campos-Cantón, LA Martínez Garza, V Vinaja Nuño, ...
Revista mexicana de física 52 (5), 474-478, 2006
Passivity-based speed control of a 2/spl phi/induction motor: experimental results
G Espinosa-Pérez, I Campos-Canton, P Lara-Reyes, D Gomez-Becerril
IV IEEE International Power Electronics Congress. Technical Proceedings …, 1995
Generalization of a model based controller for the n-level cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel converter used as a shunt active filter
RC Martínez-Montejano, R Castillo-Meraz, I Campos-Cantón, ...
International Review of Electrical Engineering 9 (3), 486-492, 2014
Modelo de predicción basado en análisis multivariante para la determinación de concentración de azucar en solución
C Araujo-Andrade, I Campos-Cantón, JR Martínez, G Ortega-Zarzosa, ...
Revista Mexicana De Física E 51 (2 Jul-Dec), 67-73, 2005
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