Sandip Roy
Sandip Roy
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Sleep as a fundamental property of neuronal assemblies
JM Krueger, DM Rector, S Roy, HPA Van Dongen, G Belenky, ...
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9 (12), 910-919, 2008
Sleep function: Toward elucidating an enigma
JM Krueger, MG Frank, JP Wisor, S Roy
Sleep medicine reviews 28, 46-54, 2016
The influence model
C Asavathiratham, S Roy, B Lesieutre, G Verghese
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 21 (6), 52-64, 2001
Scaled consensus
S Roy
Automatica 51, 259-262, 2015
Majority multiplexing-economical redundant fault-tolerant designs for nanoarchitectures
S Roy, V Beiu
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 4 (4), 441-451, 2005
Constructing consensus controllers for networks with identical general linear agents
T Yang, S Roy, Y Wan, A Saberi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (11), 1237-1256, 2011
Designing spatially heterogeneous strategies for control of virus spread
Y Wan, S Roy, A Saberi
IET Systems Biology 2 (4), 184-201, 2008
Big data architecture for network security
B Bansal, VN Jenipher, R Jain, R Dilip, M Kumbhkar, S Pramanik, S Roy, ...
Cyber Security and Network Security, 233-267, 2022
Formation and alignment of distributed sensing agents with double-integrator dynamics
S Roy, A Saberi, K Herlugson
IEEE Press monograph on sensor network operations, 2006
An aggregate dynamic stochastic model for air traffic control
S Roy, B Sridhar, GC Verghese
Proceedings of the 5th USA/Europe ATM 2003 R&D Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 2003
Security concepts for the dynamics of autonomous vehicle networks
M Xue, W Wang, S Roy
Automatica 50 (3), 852-857, 2014
Security and discoverability of spread dynamics in cyber-physical networks
S Roy, M Xue, SK Das
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (9), 1694-1707, 2012
Power system extreme event screening using graph partitioning
BC Lesieutre, S Roy, V Donde, A Pinar
2006 38th North American Power Symposium, 503-510, 2006
A scalable methodology for evaluating and designing coordinated air-traffic flow management strategies under uncertainty
Y Wan, S Roy
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9 (4), 644-656, 2008
A control‐theoretic perspective on the design of distributed agreement protocols
S Roy, A Saberi, K Herlugson
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2007
Dynamic queuing network model for flow contingency management
Y Wan, C Taylor, S Roy, C Wanke, Y Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (3), 1380-1392, 2013
Network design problems for controlling virus spread
Y Wan, S Roy, A Saberi
2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3925-3932, 2007
A network control theory approach to modeling and optimal control of zoonoses: case study of brucellosis transmission in sub-Saharan Africa
S Roy, TF McElwain, Y Wan
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 5 (10), e1259, 2011
Tumor necrosis factor enhances the sleep‐like state and electrical stimulation induces a wake‐like state in co‐cultures of neurons and glia
KA Jewett, P Taishi, P Sengupta, S Roy, CJ Davis, JM Krueger
European Journal of Neuroscience 42 (4), 2078-2090, 2015
A network model for activity-dependent sleep regulation
S Roy, JM Krueger, DM Rector, Y Wan
Journal of theoretical biology 253 (3), 462-468, 2008
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