Graham Ousey
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Exploring the connection between immigration and violent crime rates in US cities, 1980–2000
GC Ousey, CE Kubrin
Social problems 56 (3), 447-473, 2009
Immigration and crime: Assessing a contentious issue
GC Ousey, CE Kubrin
Annual Review of Criminology 1 (1), 63-84, 2018
Homicide, structural factors, and the racial invariance assumption
GC Ousey
Criminology 37 (2), 405-426, 1999
Cutting the grass: A reexamination of the link between marital attachment, delinquent peers and desistance from marijuana use
MO Maume, GC Ousey, K Beaver
Journal of quantitative criminology 21, 27-53, 2005
Social isolation and lethal violence across the metro/nonmetro divide: The effects of socioeconomic disadvantage and poverty concentration on homicide
MR Lee, MO Maume, GC Ousey
Rural sociology 68 (1), 107-131, 2003
Examining the conditional nature of the illicit drug market‐homicide relationship: A partial test of the theory of contingent causation
GC Ousey, MR Lee
Criminology 40 (1), 73-102, 2002
Industrial restructuring and violence: The link between entry-level jobs, economic deprivation, and black and white homicide
ES Shihadeh, GC Ousey
Social forces 77 (1), 185-206, 1998
Something old, something new: Revisiting competing hypotheses of the victimization-offending relationship among adolescents
GC Ousey, P Wilcox, BS Fisher
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 27 (1), 53-84, 2011
Metropolitan expansion and black social dislocation: The link between suburbanization and center-city crime
ES Shihadeh, GC Ousey
Social Forces 75 (2), 649-666, 1996
The interaction of antisocial propensity and life‐course varying predictors of delinquent behavior: Differences by method of estimation and implications for theory
GC Ousey, P Wilcox
Criminology 45 (2), 313-354, 2007
Racial disparity in formal social control: An investigation of alternative explanations of arrest rate inequality
GC Ousey, MR Lee
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 45 (3), 322-355, 2008
Déjà vu all over again: Investigating temporal continuity of adolescent victimization
GC Ousey, P Wilcox, S Brummel
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 24, 307-335, 2008
Does fringe banking exacerbate neighborhood crime rates? Investigating the social ecology of payday lending
CE Kubrin, GD Squires, SM Graves, GC Ousey
Criminology & Public Policy 10 (2), 437-466, 2011
To know the unknown: the decline in homicide clearance rates, 1980—2000
GC Ousey, MR Lee
Criminal Justice Review 35 (2), 141-158, 2010
Immigration and the changing nature of homicide in US cities, 1980–2010
GC Ousey, CE Kubrin
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 30, 453-483, 2014
Opportunity theory and adolescent school-based victimization
MC Augustine, P Wilcox, GC Ousey, RR Clayton
Violence and victims 17 (2), 233, 2002
Size matters: Examining the link between small manufacturing, socioeconomic deprivation, and crime rates in nonmetropolitan communities
MR Lee, GC Ousey
Sociological Quarterly 42 (4), 581-602, 2001
Investigating the connections between race, illicit drug markets, and lethal violence, 1984-1997
GC Ousey, MR Lee
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 41 (4), 352-383, 2004
Predicting the violent offender: The discriminant validity of the subculture of violence
JM McGloin, CJ Schreck, EA Stewart, GC Ousey
Criminology 49 (3), 767-794, 2011
Racial–ethnic threat, out‐group intolerance, and support for punishing criminals: A cross‐national study
GC Ousey, JD Unnever
Criminology 50 (3), 565-603, 2012
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