Sofia Stathi
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The greatest magic of H arry P otter: Reducing prejudice
L Vezzali, S Stathi, D Giovannini, D Capozza, E Trifiletti
Journal of applied social psychology 45 (2), 105-121, 2015
Imagining intergroup contact promotes projection to outgroups
S Stathi, RJ Crisp
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (4), 943-957, 2008
Increasing outgroup trust, reducing infrahumanization, and enhancing future contact intentions via imagined intergroup contact
L Vezzali, D Capozza, S Stathi, D Giovannini
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (1), 437-440, 2012
Improving implicit and explicit intergroup attitudes using imagined contact: An experimental intervention with elementary school children
L Vezzali, D Capozza, D Giovannini, S Stathi
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (2), 203-212, 2012
From imagery to intention: A dual route model of imagined contact effects
RJ Crisp, S Husnu, R Meleady, S Stathi, RN Turner
European review of social psychology 21 (1), 188-236, 2010
Imagining intergroup contact enables member-to-group generalization.
S Stathi, RJ Crisp, MA Hogg
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 15 (3), 275, 2011
Indirect contact through book reading: Improving adolescents' attitudes and behavioral intentions toward immigrants
L Vezzali, S Stathi, D Giovannini
Psychology in the Schools 49 (2), 148-162, 2012
Imagined contact as a prejudice‐reduction intervention in schools: The underlying role of similarity and attitudes
S Stathi, L Cameron, B Hartley, S Bradford
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (8), 536-546, 2014
Imagining intergroup contact can combat mental health stigma by reducing anxiety, avoidance and negative stereotyping
S Stathi, K Tsantila, RJ Crisp
The Journal of social psychology 152 (6), 746-757, 2012
Justice for whom, exactly? Beliefs in justice for the self and various others
RM Sutton, KM Douglas, K Wilkin, TJ Elder, JM Cole, S Stathi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (4), 528-541, 2008
Imagined intergroup contact and common ingroup identity
L Vezzali, S Stathi, RJ Crisp, D Giovannini, D Capozza, SL Gaertner
Social Psychology, 2015
Intergroup contact theory: Recent developments and future directions
L Vezzali, S Stathi
Taylor & Francis, 2016
‘And the best essay is…’: Extended contact and cross‐group friendships at school
L Vezzali, S Stathi, D Giovannini, D Capozza, EP Visintin
British Journal of Social Psychology 54 (4), 601-615, 2015
Fostering social change among advantaged and disadvantaged group members: Integrating intergroup contact and social identity perspectives on collective action
GA Di Bernardo, L Vezzali, S Stathi, S McKeown, VM Cocco, T Saguy, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (1), 26-47, 2021
Comparing direct and imagined intergroup contact among children: Effects on outgroup stereotypes and helping intentions
L Vezzali, S Stathi, RJ Crisp, D Capozza
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 49, 46-53, 2015
Reducing workplace bias toward people with disabilities with the use of imagined contact
MN Carvalho‐Freitas, S Stathi
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 47 (5), 256-266, 2017
Imagined intergroup contact facilitates intercultural communication for college students on academic exchange programs
L Vezzali, RJ Crisp, S Stathi, D Giovannini
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18 (1), 66-75, 2015
Using intergroup contact to fight prejudice and negative attitudes: Psychological perspectives
L Vezzali, S Stathi
Routledge, 2020
Vicarious, extended and imagined intergroup contact: A review of interventions based on indirect contact strategies applied in educational settings
S Stathi
TPM-testing, psychometrics, methodology in applied psychology 24 (1), 3-21, 2017
Imagining contact reduces prejudice in preschool children
MD Birtel, GA Di Bernardo, S Stathi, RJ Crisp, A Cadamuro, L Vezzali
Social Development 28 (4), 1054-1073, 2019
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