Moritz Kütt
Moritz Kütt
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg
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Plutonium Disposition in the BN-800 Fast Reactor: An Assessment of Plutonium Isotopics and Breeding
M Kütt, F Frieß, M Englert
Science & Global Security 22 (3), 188-208, 2014
Information barrier experimental: Toward a trusted and open-source computing platform for nuclear warhead verification
M Kütt, M Göttsche, A Glaser
Measurement 114, 185-190, 2018
ONIX: An open-source depletion code
JT de Lanversin, M Kütt, A Glaser
Annals of Nuclear Energy 151, 107903, 2021
Proliferation issues related to fast SMRs
F Frieß, M Kütt, M Englert
Annals of Nuclear Energy 85, 725-731, 2015
Setting the Deadline for Nuclear Weapon Destruction under the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
M Kütt, Z Mian
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament 2 (2), 410-430, 2019
Comprehensive prohibition of nuclear weapons: an emerging international norm?
M Kütt, J Steffek
The Nonproliferation Review 22 (3-4), 401-420, 2015
Global Stocks and Production of Fissile Materials, 2021
M Kütt, Z Mian, P Podvig
SIPRI Yearbook 2020, 2020
Simulation of Neutron Multiplicity Measurements using Geant4
M Kütt
Ph. D. thesis. Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2016
Setting the Deadline for Nuclear Weapon Removal from Host States under the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
M Kütt, Z Mian
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament 5 (1), 148-161, 2022
Vintage electronics for trusted radiation measurements and verified dismantlement of nuclear weapons
M Kütt, A Glaser
PloS one 14 (10), e0224149, 2019
Advancing Disarmament Verification Tools: A Task for Europe?
M Göttsche, M Kütt, G Neuneck, I Niemeyer
ESARDA Bulletin 53, 111-123, 2015
Proliferationsproblematik beim Umgang mit Plutoniumbrennstoffen: Abbrandrechnungen zur Rolle von Pu-238
M Kütt
Bachelorarbeit, Fachbereich Physik, TU-Darmstadt, 2007
Disarmament Hacking 2.0: Toward a Trusted, Open-Hardware Computing Platform for Nuclear Warhead Verification
M Kütt, M Göttsche, A Glaser
57th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management …, 2016
Proliferation resistance of small modular reactors fuels
F Polidoro, F Parozzi, F Fassnacht, M Kütt, M Englert
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2013: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference …, 2013
Germany’s Nuclear Weapons Policy and the War: Money for Nukes, Words for Disarmament
M Kütt
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 2022
Authenticating nuclear warheads with high confidence
M Kütt, S Philippe, B Barak, A Glaser, RJ Goldston
Proceedings of the 55th Annual INMM Meeting, 2014
Neutronic Calculations: Proliferation risks of Fast Reactors
M Kütt
Master thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2011
Understanding Uncertainties in Nuclear Archaeology
M Kütt, JT de Lanversin, M Göttsche
59th Annual INMM meeting, Baltimore, MD, 22-26, 2018
The Application of Virtual Proofs of Reality to Nuclear Safeguards and Arms Control Veri fication
S Philippe, M Kütt, M McKeown, U Rührmair, A Glaser
57th Annual INMM Meeting, 2016
Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd: Hardware and Software Challenges for Nuclear Disarmament Verification
M Kütt, S Philippe, A Glaser
56th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management …, 2015
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