Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Isabella CapelliniWeitere Informationen
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The role of life history traits in mammalian invasion success
I Capellini, J Baker, WL Allen, SE Street, C Venditti
Ecology Letters 18 (10), 1099-1107, 2015
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Phylogenetic analysis of the ecology and evolution of mammalian sleep
I Capellini, RA Barton, P McNamara, BT Preston, CL Nunn
Evolution 62 (7), 1764-1776, 2008
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Fast life history traits promote invasion success in amphibians and reptiles
WL Allen, SE Street, I Capellini
Ecology Letters 20 (2), 222-230, 2017
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Parasite resistance and the adaptive significance of sleep
BT Preston, I Capellini, P McNamara, RA Barton, CL Nunn
BMC evolutionary biology 9, 1-9, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Placentation and maternal investment in mammals
I Capellini, C Venditti, RA Barton
The American Naturalist 177 (1), 86-98, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Energetic constraints, not predation, influence the evolution of sleep patterning in mammals
I Capellini, CL Nunn, P McNamara, BT Preston, RA Barton
Functional ecology 22 (5), 847-853, 2008
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test
I Capellini, P McNamara, BT Preston, CL Nunn, RA Barton
PLoS One 4 (2), e4609, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Primate sleep in phylogenetic perspective
CL Nunn, P McNamara, I Capellini, BT Preston, RA Barton
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Phylogenetic signal in amphibian sensitivity to copper sulfate in relation to environmental temperature
Y Chiari, S Glaberman, N Seren, M Carretero, I Capellini
Ecological Applications 25 (3), 596-602, 2015
Mandate: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
A phylogenetic comparative analysis on the evolution of sequential hermaphroditism in seabreams (Teleostei: Sparidae)
S Pla, C Benvenuto, I Capellini, F Piferrer
Scientific Reports, 3606 (2020), 2020
Mandate: Government of Spain
Microparasites and placental invasiveness in eutherian mammals
I Capellini, CL Nunn, RA Barton
PLoS ONE 10 (7), e0132563, 2015
Mandate: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Switches, stability and reversals in the evolutionary history of sexual systems in fish
S Pla, C Benvenuto, I Capellini, F Piferrer
Nature Communications 13 (3029),, 2022
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council, Government of Spain
Human activities favour prolific life histories in both traded and introduced vertebrates
SE Street, JS Gutierrez, WA Allen, I Capellini
Nature Communications 14, 262, 2023
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Citizen science data reveal altitudinal movement and seasonal ecosystem use by hummingbirds in the Andes Mountains
C Rueda-Uribe, L Herrera-Alsina, LT Lancaster, I Capellini, KKS Layton, ...
Ecography, 2024
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Tracking small animals in complex landscapes: a comparison of localisation workflows for automated radio telemetry systems
C Rueda‐Uribe, AJ Sargent, MÁ Echeverry‐Galvis, ...
Ecology and Evolution 14 (10), e70405, 2024
Mandate: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Placentation and maternal investment in mammals
R Barton, I Capellini, C Venditti, RA Barton
The American naturalist 177 (1), 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
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