Emily Bianchi
Emily Bianchi
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Entering adulthood in a recession tempers later narcissism
EC Bianchi
Psychological Science, 2014
American individualism rises and falls with the economy: Cross-temporal evidence that individualism declines when the economy falters.
EC Bianchi
Journal of personality and social psychology 111 (4), 567, 2016
The bright side of bad times: The affective advantages of entering the workforce in a recession
EC Bianchi
Administrative Science Quarterly 58 (4), 587-623, 2013
Social class and social worlds: Income predicts the frequency and nature of social contact
EC Bianchi, KD Vohs
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (5), 479-486, 2016
The agreeableness asymmetry in first impressions: Perceivers' impulse to (mis) judge agreeableness and how it is moderated by power
DR Ames, EC Bianchi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (12), 1719-1736, 2008
In the eyes of the beholder? The role of dispositional trust in judgments of procedural and interactional fairness
EC Bianchi, J Brockner
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 118 (1), 46-59, 2012
Do good times breed cheats? Prosperous times have immediate and lasting implications for CEO misconduct
EC Bianchi, A Mohliver
Organization Science 27 (6), 1488-1503, 2016
Reexamining the link between economic downturns and racial antipathy: Evidence that prejudice against blacks rises during recessions
EC Bianchi, EV Hall, S Lee
Psychological Science 29 (10), 1584-1597, 2018
The psychology of entrenched privilege: High socioeconomic status individuals from affluent backgrounds are uniquely high in entitlement
S Côté, JE Stellar, R Willer, RC Forbes, SR Martin, EC Bianchi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 47 (1), 70-88, 2021
How workplace fairness affects employee commitment
M Seifert, J Brockner, EC Bianchi, H Moon
MIT Sloan Management Review 57 (2), 15, 2016
Trust in decision-making authorities dictates the form of the interactive relationship between outcome fairness and procedural fairness
EC Bianchi, J Brockner, K Van den Bos, M Seifert, H Moon, M van Dijke, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (1), 19-34, 2015
Age and gender differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants.
R Weidmann, WJ Chopik, RA Ackerman, M Allroggen, EC Bianchi, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 124 (6), 1277, 2023
Professed impressions: What people say about others affects onlookers’ perceptions of speakers’ power and warmth
DR Ames, EC Bianchi, JC Magee
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (1), 152-158, 2010
Does the black/white wage gap widen during recessions?
S Chattopadhyay, EC Bianchi
Work and Occupations 48 (3), 247-284, 2021
Does job satisfaction rise and fall with the economy? Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental evidence that job satisfaction increases during recessions
EC Bianchi, CC Martin, R Li
Academy of Management Journal 66 (2), 688-709, 2023
How the economy shapes the way we think about ourselves and others
EC Bianchi
Current Opinion in Psychology 32, 120-123, 2020
Assessing the robustness of the relationship between entering adulthood in a recession and narcissism
EC Bianchi
Psychological science 26 (4), 537-538, 2015
Narcissism and the economic environment
EC Bianchi
Handbook of Trait Narcissism: Key Advances, Research Methods, and …, 2018
Social class and social worlds: Income predicts the frequency and nature of social contact. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7 (5), 479–486
EC Bianchi, KD Vohs
The Effect of Racial Primes on the Test Performance of African-American and European-American Children
JR Steele, EC Bianchi, N Ambady
Revue InteRnatIonale de PSycholoGIe SocIale, 161, 2014
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